
An Introduction into the World of Micro-Laser Lipo

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Liposuction has been around for decades and in essence has grown to be one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures out on the market today. But as the world is changing, so is the world of liposuction. In fact, not only is there the general liposuction procedure but now there is one that’s a little different, yet still gaining rapid popularity. This procedure is called Mirco-Laser Lipo. So what is it all about? Let’s learn a little more about this exciting technology, below. laser-lipo

What is Micro-Laser Lipo?

Noted as the next generation in fat removal, Micro-Laser Lipo is a three step process that using body contouring to give you the look you’ve always wanted. Step 1 includes the assessment and solution plan that fits your body shape and size. During this step you’ll find that your physician will help you to identify any particular problem areas you are concerned about and thus determine with treatment option is the best for your particular case. You’ll then be able to customize your visit and procedure with your doctor to achieve the best results.

The next step is target your problem area. This involves the Power-Lite Liposuction procedure. This procedure begins with the advance body contouring technology that helps to effectively target and remove most of your unwanted fat. This is all done via a technology that allows the patient to forgo general anesthesia. With that said, you are put under localized awake anesthetics so that you’ll be able to stay relaxed and comfortable throughout the duration of the procedure. This also helps to allow for a faster and more efficient recovery.

The last step, step 3, involves the use of the Mirco-Laser Lipo. This step is all about eliminating and sculpting. Once most of your unwanted fat is removed and discarded, your physician will then further sculpt and refine your chosen area. This involves the use of a highly advanced micro-laser that stimulates your collagen formation while contouring small areas and tightening your skin. In the end you’ll find a smooth and natural looking appearance. You’ll find this after your healing time is complete.

Where can you get the Micro-Laser Lipo treatment?

When looking for a center to discuss the possibility of you receiving this type of procedure, you’ll find that you can get it done at any of the Sono Bello locations around the United States. In addition to this procedure, you’ll find that the physicians at their offices also offer other great options that are designed to help you look and feel your best.

Micro-Laser Lipo treatment might not be for everyone, but its growing popularity is proving that it is indeed right for a large number of the American population. This procedure demonstrates the medical advances that we have to come to know and love. If you’re looking for a less intrusive liposuction procedure that you can customize with your physician, then you’ll want to look further into the world of Micro-Laser Lipo.

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