
New Year, New You Giveaway ~ Win $50

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Ready for 2016?  What resolutions and goals do you have set for this new year?  How about starting it off right with a fabulous giveaway.

Hosted by: Its Free At LastRing in the New Year1 winner will receive their choice of $50 Amazon, Paypal or Walmart E-Gift Card!

Giveaway is open to Worldwide, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends on 01/11/16

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for your chance to win. Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We are not associated with any of the companies named above. No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received Open Worldwide, 18+ only. Limit one entrant per household. Confirmed Winner(s) (by will be contacted by email. Winner(s) have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. The sponsor(s) will be responsible for product shipment to winner(s) of this giveaway. My blog is not responsible for product shipment/delivery. This event is in no way administered, sponsored, or endorsed by, or associated with, Facebook and/or Twitter, Google, Pinterest, Instagram or Klout.   This disclosure is done in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission 10 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements. Entrants must only enter with either one email address, IP address and/or Facebook account, anyone found violating these rules will be disqualified. It is at the sole discretion of the admin of the giveaway if the winner has met the rules or not.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

73 thoughts on “New Year, New You Giveaway ~ Win $50

  • My goal is to save more money and reevaluate our finances to be inline with a good budget 🙂

    (I originally left a comment on, but I could not get on that site to complete the entries)

  • MY resolution is to lose weight and get healthy. I’m well on my way to it! My husband and I joined the gym! 🙂 We are each other’s cheerleaders!

  • My goal is to make it alive thru another year! LOL Seriously, I have begun to take my health into my own hands..if you don’t you will regret it. Don’t wait…. get a hold on your lifestyle and eating.

  • I plan on making healthier food choices, drinking more water, and exercising more. Thank you for the awesome giveaway!

  • My resolution is to get more things done and stop putting off for tomorrow what I can do today.

  • My goal is to work on a more positive attitude and walk more miles.

  • My goal is to be healthier, eat, drink and exercise more.

  • My 2016 goal is be healthier.

  • My goal this year is to create and stick to a budget!

  • My goal is to is to remove sugar from my diet. My guess is it’s going to take more than one try because I crave sugar all the time.

  • As always one of my goals for the New Year is to lose weight and this year I would love to add more Natural Cleaners to my families routine.

  • My goal is to maintain my 60 lb weight loss, and to work on being happy/positive to my favorite people around me!

  • My goal for 2016 is to eat and snack healthier and have more silly adventures with my kids!

  • My major resolution is to quit smoking, so far so good, but not easy. My 2nd is to lose weight. Just the typical.

  • My goal for 2016 is to give more, anyway I can!

  • I want to read 40 books this year!

  • My goal is to find a job in 2016!!

  • I need to get my internal clock setback to sleeping nights and living days. It’s much harder than it sounds!

  • My goals are to read at least 100 books and to write more reviews.

  • My 2016 goals are to lose 50 pounds, eat healthier, exercise more & spend more quality time with my family!

  • My goal was to get my doctorate degree. I enrolled in graduate school.

  • I would like to get in better shape in 2016

  • my 2016 goals is to start walking everyday or most days and to loose 20 lbs and to get a better job

  • my goals are: 1 work on loosing the next 5 pounds, 2 save by putting $1 a week upping it each week.

  • Do my last 3 years income tax

  • My main goal is to eat healthier, cutting out processed foods.

  • My New Year’s resolution is just to live a healthier lifestye…

  • I am going to have a better year in college since fall was a rough term for me!

  • My 2016 goal is to finish writing my latest novel.

  • I’d like to build my business and be more efficient. I also have a lot of goals to accomplish landscaping in our yard.

  • My resolution is to improve my health score through my work’s health risk assessment. Which means exercise and better eating.

  • I want to be more organized this year

  • To make better use of my time

  • to lose weight…and take better care of ME

  • One of my 2016 resolutions is to eat more meatless meals.

  • My resolution is to eat better and cook better for my family.

  • I want to spend more time with my family in 2016 and of course, enter more giveaways.

  • I don’t make new year resolutions, but my goal for 2016 is to put a dent in my debt.

  • I do not have any resolutions. I just do my best.

  • my 2016 resolution is to have a natural birth with my son this year.

  • Happy New Year! My 2016 resolutions are to become confident in my body and also get back started and focus on my college work!

  • My goal is to lose 25 pounds.

  • One of my resolution is to work on forgiving others, maintain a better eating habit and work out …

  • My resolution is to learn to cook healthier for my family!!

  • Well, I’m not much on resolutions or goals, for that matter, only because I get depressed when I can’t or don’t keep them. That being said, I do have one that I do WANT to keep and that is to spend more quality time with my grandson who is 5 yrs. old. That will be my goal every year from here on out.

  • My goal is to exercise more throughout the day.

  • I want to eat healthier, workout more and work on my sewing skills

  • I would like to exercise more and get in better shape.

  • My goal is to eat better and walk more.

  • Be kinder and let stuff in the past stay there!

  • One of my goals in 2016 is to travel more and visit other states.

  • My goal this year is to finish the schooling needed to find a job.

  • as always to lose weight is my resolution and be better person!i would pick the amazon gc

  • My only goal is to make sure that I am eating only portion sizes and not going overboard on the food.

  • To more organized and to save money!

  • Good giveaway I’d take the Walmart or the Amazon.

  • It is the same as 2015’s -uh oh! to lose some weight!! shouldn’t be so hard! but I’m going to be more thorough about it!!!

  • My 2016 New Year’s resolution is to find a job.

  • My goal for 2016 is to do awesome in grad school!

  • My goals are to lose weight and become more organized.

  • to buy a house

  • To get more active

  • My goal is to get in shape by running and doing yoga.

  • I do not usually do resolutions because I just try to be a better person the next day.

  • My goal for 2016 is to get my home super organized.

  • My goal is to try the save more money.
    Thank you!

  • My goal is to have a more restful year.

  • My goals are for my family and I to become healthier with more exercise and better eating.

  • My 2016 goals are to up my exercise classes so that I can feel healthier and hopefully lose some weight.

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