Orange Jack-O-Lanterns Filled With Fruit Recipe
Recipe type: Halloween Holiday
Cuisine: Dessert
Prep time: 
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Serves: 3
  • • 3 Oranges (in this case I used Grapefruit Oranges)
  • • ½ cup Blackberries
  • • ½ cup Blueberries
  • • ½ cup Strawberries (sliced)
  1. Rinse all fruit. Dry.
  2. Using a straight edged knife on your grapefruit orange, turn knife inward at an angle while making a complete circle. This will release the top of your grapefruit orange. Remove and set top aside.
  3. Begin to remove the inside of the grape fruit orange by using a small spoon.
  4. Place the grapefruit orange juice and pulp into a small bowl. You can save it and serve as a refreshing drink next to your treats!
  5. Once the grapefruit orange is empty, use a small knife to cut out your jack-o-lantern face! Be creative. You can carve square eyes, triangle eyes, a smile,
  6. or big teeth! Have fun!
  7. Slice the very top from 3 strawberries. Use this as a garnish on top of your orange jack-o-lantern! You can secure it with a toothpick, or a dab of honey.
  8. Slice the strawberries into quarters and then in half again.
  9. Evenly distribute the blackberries, blueberries, and strawberries into each jack-o-lantern. Use a toothpick or tiny spoon to serve. Your family, friends, and children will love these friendly Halloween treats!
Recipe by It's Free At Last at