
Bring Out the Artist in Your Kids with smART sketcher

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As families continue to balance “work from home” with homeschooling, the award-winning smART sketcher Projector makes learning basic skills more fun and engaging, especially during “downtime.” 

Keeping my kids busy during their free time after they are finished with their schoolwork can be a challenge, but now I can have them draw and have fun while they are learning lots of artistic skills that they will have filling up the front of your refrigerator quickly with all their great artwork! 

smART sketcher™ Projector is the next great product for promoting artistic ability, fine motor development, and STEAM education skills using 21st century technology.  Developed by the innovative Flycatcher Inc. team, smART sketcher Projector allows children and adults to transform photos taken from their smart devices into a sketch.

About Flycatcher Inc:

Flycatcher is a young UK company that creates innovative tech toys for kids. It was founded in 2014 by Shay Chen, an Israeli developer who previously ran two successful technology businesses before focusing his attention on toys. As a father as well as an inventor, he saw how his own children seamlessly moved between digital and physical worlds, learning how to navigate their complicated 21st century world through play. “Technology was like a magnet for them,” says Chen. “But I wanted to make sure that they also played offline and learned the social skills that are often missing with screens.” Flycatcher aims to capture online and offline synergy by creating toys that engage kids in new and meaningful ways. All Flycatcher toys are app-connected. However, they incorporate physical play with the same kind of seamless energy that Chen admired in his children.

Using the free smART sketcher app, photos are filtered and transferred via Bluetooth to the projector. Instantly users will see their desired image projected onto paper. Users are able to draw anything the eye can see with just a touch of a button. The smART sketcher Projector also comes with pre-loaded micro SD cards that are filled with a variety of activities including step-by-step drawings, learn-to-write letters and numbers, early spelling skills, and more. Additional SD cards can be purchased separately to keep the creative learning going. The possibilities are endless! 

From learn-to-write ABC’s to simple spelling activities, the smART sketcher Projector is loaded with curriculum-based learning and meets national educational standards.

PLUS, it allows children to transform photos taken from their smart device (or from a pre-loaded SD card) and turn into an artistic sketch!

Available at Amazon $59.95, ages 5+.

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