
Different Ways to Step up your Fitness Game

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Exercising is very different from training or going to the gym. Sure, going to the gym for a run is great, and you will get more in shape by doing it. With that being said, if you don’t have a definitive result that you’d like to achieve then you won’t be able to reach your fitness goals. You need a plan to try and maximize your efficiency and you also need to find ways to make your life more conducive in general. This will help you to overcome any obstacles you may be experiencing and it will also help you to get the results you need.

Set a Goal

One of the first things you need to try and do is set a fitness goal. You need a plan and you also need to be able to stick with it. It’s your call whether you would much rather burn fat or build muscle. It may be that you want to try and get better at sport too. Either way, if you are serious about your fitness goals then you need to do more than simply trying to get to the gym. One thing you can do is try and set performance-based goals and to try and avoid saying things like you’re going to try and hit the gym four days a week.If you can set goals then this will help you with programming and it will also make you feel better overall.

Source: Pexels

Train on the Transverse

Transverse planes are ideal if you want to improve your fitness. The vertical plane splits the body into front and back portions. Sagittal is the left and right. If you want to improve your athleticism while aiding movement quality then one thing you need to do is try and incorporate more activities that aid with rotational ability. People tend to stay forward or go up and down with their training but this can work against you. You need to try things like hip rotations as this is the best way for you to move out of your comfort zone.

Schedule Two Movement Days

Another thing you need to do is try and set two movement days every single week. If you are an intermediate trainee then try and do your bit to have one movement day. It may be that you have a set series of exercises to do and that you try to use this to your advantage. Either way, things like this can help you to keep up with physical activity while also helping you to focus on other things. It may be that you focus on things like sprinting but the other day focus on doing circuits. If you can do this then you will notice a huge improvement in the way that you feel.

Big Fillers

You also need to do what you can to focus on big lifts and fillers. Weightlifting workouts that come with a barbell movement, such as bench presses, deadlifts or squats are all very good. You can then pair these with fillers, or exercises that target a very specific part of the body. This could include glute-activations or core-strength exercises. If you can do this then you will soon find that it is easier than ever for you to feel better about yourself and that you can get the result you need

Hit the Back

Between sitting at your desk all day, every day and then putting too much emphasis on the muscles you can see, you will soon run yourself into the ground. Try and make sure you incorporate some upper back work where you can as this will help you a great deal with your posture. Make sure that you add some squats and some deadlifts too, as this will work wonders for your performance and it will make you feel better overall.

Train Unilaterally

Unilateral training happens when you only really loud one area of your body in an effort to try and improve your stability as well as your balance. Hitting some kind of upper back movement will help you a lot. If you can, you also need to try and focus on improving stability where possible. There’s not any sport where you are on both legs the whole time. You may find that you are on one leg and that you have to change directions quite a lot. If you can keep this in mind when trying to train, and if you can put a focus on doing things more unilaterally then this will work in your favor quite a lot.

Track your Progress

If you intend on doing endurance training then you need to use watches as well as apps. These are all very useful tools if you want to track your total distance and your pace per every session. If you intend on resistance training then using an old-school approach is often the way to go. Using a training log is also a very good thing to do, not to mention that you can use apps such as tracking weights to help. If you want to elevate your experience then one thing you can do is try and use a heart rate monitor. These are great if you want to see how you are improving so keep that in mind.

Fitness Tests

Another thing you can do if you want to improve your general level of fitness is try and do a fitness test. When you do a fitness test, you will be able to see how you are improving and this can go a long way when it comes to your confidence as a whole. If you want to improve your recovery after doing things like fitness tests, or if you are serious about getting results then one thing you can do is invest in a LUMI ice bath. When you do, you can then rest assured knowing that you are going to be able to speed up your fitness regime while ensuring that you are always one step ahead when it comes to your muscle recovery.


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

2 thoughts on “Different Ways to Step up your Fitness Game

  • I need to up my fitness game. Thanks for sharing.

  • Great information. Thanks for sharing.


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