
EA Certs Now Offering Free BLS Course to Anyone Who Purchases an ACLS Course

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EA Certs is a company that offers CPR certification classes, ACLS certification classes, PALS certification classes, and a wide range of other healthcare classes to students throughout Los Angeles and the surrounding area. Now, EA Certs is proud to announce an exciting new offer that will allow any student who signs up for an ACLS course to attend a free BLS course as well.

Students who sign up for an ACLS course through EA Certs can expect to learn a broad range of skills that will enable them to respond to an equally broad range of cardiovascular emergencies, from recognizing the cause of the emergency to administering CPR to using an ECG machine. This all-important class covers everything a medical professional needs to know in order to diagnose and respond to cardiovascular emergencies such as cardiopulmonary arrest, stroke, respiratory arrest, and more.

A BLS course, meanwhile, serves as a broader and more general life-support class, teaching students how to respond to an incredibly wide range of medical emergencies that include but are not limited to cardiovascular emergencies. Unlike an ACLS course that is highly focused on cardiovascular emergencies alone, BLS courses teach students the skills they need to know in order to provide basic life support in any number of medical emergencies. This course is ideal for most any medical professional but is especially important for paramedics and first responders who are the first on the scene to diagnose a medical emergency and provide basic life support until more advanced assistance becomes available.

Students who take both an ACLS course as well as BLS course, therefore, can be confident about their ability to respond to any number of medical emergencies, and taking both of these courses will be highly valuable to medical professionals in a wide range of fields and careers. Thankfully, EA Certs is now making it easier and more affordable than ever before for students in the Los Angeles area to receive both their ACLS and BLS certification by offering a free BLS course to anyone who signs up for an ACLS course through EA Certs.

To learn more about this helpful promotional offer as well as learn more about the BLS and ACLS courses that EA Certs provides, be sure to contact EA Certs directly using the below contact information:

EA Certs

1528 Canada Blvd. #205

Glendale, CA 91208

Email: [email protected]

Phone: +1 (818) 220-0006   

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