
Enter the “Paint My Room” Prize Pack Sweepstakes sponsored by HomeRight (Ends 05/27/14)

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Paint My Room Sweepstakes


Organized by Budget Earth

Sponsored by HomeRight

While spring cleaning and remodeling can be a lot of fun, it can also be challenging and time consuming. One activity that many people love to hate is painting their home. One of the main reasons people hate painting is that it is so time consuming. Painting one room can easily take many hours, if not days, depending on its size. Wouldn’t it be great if there were tools that not only speed up the job, but make sure paint goes on evenly and smoothly?

Luckily, HomeRight has the answer to taking the work out of paint – the PaintStick EZ-Twist Paint Roller Applicator and QuickPainter Pad Edge Painter. With these two tools, you can drastically cut down paint time (up to two-thirds less time!) and take the mess out of painting with these paint tools’ unique way of dispensing paint. The real lifesaver is the PaintStick EZ-Twist, which allows you to quickly put a coat of paint in your walls with only a twist of your wrist. To learn more about these awesome tools, make sure to read Budget Earth’s PaintStick EZ-Twist Paint Roller Applicator and QuickPainter Pad Edge Painter reviews.

Would you love the opportunity to win these awesome tools for painting your own home? We are delighted to be working with HomeRight on this awesome giveaway! One lucky winner will win a PaintStick EZ-Twist Paint Roller Applicator and QuickPainter Pad Edge Painter for their own home. To learn more, make sure to read the rules below and then enter through the Rafflecopter!

Paint My Room Sweepstakes Sweepstakes

  • One lucky reader will win a PaintStick EZ-Twist Paint Roller Applicator and QuickPainter Pad Edge Painter.
  • Open to Continental US Only.
  • Winners will be chosen at random through Rafflecopter via
  • Sweepstakes ends May 27 at 11:59pm ET.
  • Winner will be notified via email.
  • Winner will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
  • Budget Earth and associated bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment.
  • Must be 18 years or older to enter Rafflecopter.
  • Only one entrant per household.
  • Void where prohibited.
  • Entering the Rafflecopter means you agree to terms above.
  • Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This blog did not receive compensation for this giveaway. Facebook, Twitter, & Pinterest are in no way associated with this sweepstakes. Prize fulfillment will be handled by Budget Earth.

Would you like to have your products featured in a giveaway event? Want to increase your social media exposure this holiday season? See how Mom Powered Media can help! Contact[email protected] to see what we can do for your company!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

5 thoughts on “Enter the “Paint My Room” Prize Pack Sweepstakes sponsored by HomeRight (Ends 05/27/14)

  • The nursery for our son due in July 🙂

  • My living room would be first but the entire house needs painting.

  • our living room is in desperate need of being updated with a new color

  • I would paint my daughter’s room first, she’s moving back for the summer.

  • We need to paint our new baby’s nursery sometime soon. We already have the paint bought, we just need the painting items to do it.

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