
Enter to #Win a WhatsItsFace Stuffed Animal of Choice US Only Ends 09/25

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Do you remember, as a kid, singing the song in school, “If You’re Happy and You Know It”? I’m well into my 40’s and can still sing this song verbatim today as much as I could as a young child. As new generations of children enter our lives and our family, this is a song that is passed from generation to generation and now, there is a toy that enables children to show how they are feeling, even when they may not be able to tell you themselves – WhatsItsFace.

Let’s face it, parenting is hard! Children have huge emotions, whether it’s feeling overwhelmingly excited by the sight of ice cream to the stress and sadness of being left with a babysitter. Everything feels amplified when you’re young because you may not understand why you’re feeling such emotions, let alone knowing how to control them or successfully express them. This can often lead to frustration, anger and to dreaded tantrums. Fosteringemotional growth and development in your child can help your children build emotional strength and resilience and prepare them for life’s challenges, not to mention the added benefit of a happier and healthier household!

Despite the popularity of tech toys and WiFi-powered gadgets, old fashioned stuffed animals are still a child’s first best friend. Whatsitsface gives teddy a twist with a rotating option to turn a frown into a smile on a whim. The trio of snuggly stuffed animals was created by Colorado mom and businesswoman Joanna Paul to help her own kids enjoy imaginative play while improving their emotional intelligence (also known as EQ).

Be sure to read Kristin’s review on Mom Does Reviews WhatsItsFace and enter below for your chance to win one stuffed animal of your choice.


One lucky reader will in a WhatsItsFace stuffed animal of their choice

The giveaway is open to USA

The giveaway ends 09/25 at 11:59 PM EST

Be sure to come back daily for more chances to win!

Good luck

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

20 thoughts on “Enter to #Win a WhatsItsFace Stuffed Animal of Choice US Only Ends 09/25

  • usually by acting out. Funny how sadness, anger, and guilt all react the same in them

  • I have to say thru art or how they play games

  • My daughter expresses her emotion through her art.

  • My kids express their feelings by facial expressions, behavior! These are so cute!

  • We have really good communication, so luckily my kids talk to me.

  • Art

  • My kids are older but they just tell me.

  • My daughter is a pretty happy child, but if she feel discouraged she cry. My son acts out with anger when he feel discouraged.

  • my daughter will tell me how she’s feeling

  • My daughter loves to paint or write. My son likes to read or listen to music. My youngest son shows his emotions right on his face

  • Through their behavior

  • My kids express their emotions with laughter and sometimes crying.

  • I don’t have any but my niece would love this

  • They express many emotions on the disc golf course (they are older, 18 and 20)

  • Like everyone….facial expressions, words, behavior.

  • By playing! Games and being outdoors as well! These are so cute.

  • laughing!!!

  • DJ usually expressed his by artwork.

  • I like to play tennis, and backyard games.

  • Flashlight tag was always a lot of fun and a good time. I liked to swim and maybe Marco Polo.

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