
Exploring Atlanta: The Sights and Sounds Of a City Teeming with Life

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Atlanta, the capital of Georgia, the seventh most populous state in the US and the seventh most visited city in the United States with nearly 35 million visitors per year. A city where creativity flows freely and music knows no bounds. A city where life takes center stage as the sights and sounds engage and introduce you to a diverse culture backed by scrumptious food anyone would vouch for.

In this post we will look at some of the things to do once in Atlanta whether you are planning a long vacation in the city or just plan to spend a couple of hours exploring the city. So gear up and let’s get rolling…

Explore The Centennial Olympic Park 

Centennial Park

A massive 25 acre public park in downtown Atlanta, The centennial Olympic park has been home to several events and attracts millions of visitors each year including an annual independence concert and fireworks display. Owned and operated by the Georgia World Congress Center Authority. If you are Atlanta make sure that you include this iconic park in your itinerary and visit the place. The park has an interactive fountain called the ‘Fountain of Rings’ with computer controlled lights and water jets dancing in absolute harmony with the music blasted from speakers in light towers surrounding it creating a mesmerizing atmosphere which will keep lingering even days after you have experienced the show.


        Eat and Eat as Atlanta is Diverse

Atlanta Eating

Atlanta is home to a million plus immigrants who have come and settled down from countries like India, China, Cuba, Korea Mexico, Vietnam and Ethiopia among a host of other nations. Meaning the food is as tasty as can be. Therefore, you need to engage yourself in one of the seven sins—that’s ‘Gluttony’ shamelessly.  Because going to Atlanta and not tasting their food is a sin in itself you shouldn’t be committing. So once you are there, just go out and eat!

Shop Till You Drop

Atlanta Shopping

What good is a vacation if you are not going to indulge yourself in some shopping? Atlanta is home to some of the best malls in the country and is teeming with high-end retail stores. So you just might find yourself ending up with more than what you initially thought of buying. If you are not in a mood to visit a mall or a luxury retail brand. You can try exploring little 5 points, which has long been regarded as Atlanta’s arty neighborhood or the Virginia highlands, a historic neighborhood with clothing stores, bars and restaurants.

So now that you know some of the things that you absolutely should do once you reach Atlanta. The next simmering question would be ‘How to reach there?’ or ‘Where to put up?’

How to reach Atlanta should be fairly easy to answer– Just board a flight dude! Now where to stay, depends on your budget. You can either check in to any one of the hundreds of hotels offering rooms there; a quick search on Google should get you up and running in no time. However, if you happen to be visiting for a short duration, let’s say, for a few hours, there’s a pretty cool day room service offered by HotelsByDay. You can try their service if you want. In fact, if you do, you could be saving yourself a lot of money by not booking the room for the entire day, but rather for a few hours. Which means, you can literally nail it, by not paying premium rates but enjoying the same services nonetheless.

Life is short and there is too much to explore to waste time on just making plans for that grand trip. If you got to go, you got to go now. The only thing holding you back is yourself. See you in Atlanta!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

4 thoughts on “Exploring Atlanta: The Sights and Sounds Of a City Teeming with Life

  • I go regularly, but always to Emory Hospital. I never really knew my options, but it would be nice to spend more time there and enjoy.

  • I would love to go to Atlanta there’s a lot to do there.

  • I have been to Atlanta many times. So much to do there.

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