
Gift Idea for Moms, Dads & Grads: BlendJet Portable Blender Bottle

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This is the season where we celebrate so many special events. Mother’s Day to recognize the hard work moms do every day, the milestone of a graduate after hard work in school and finally, dads who totally rock their role as the strength and determination they give to their family. One special gift that would make any recipient overjoyed is a BlendJet portable blender bottle.



BlendJet was born from a desire to make the healthy choice the most convenient choice for all. Our mission continues to inspire and shape our innovative products, driving us towards a world where good health is within everyone’s reach.

Blend Jet allows you the ability to blend everywhere. The convenience of on-the-go blending with BlendJet, you can whip up anything you want, anywhere in the world. It’s the perfect solution for blending at home, at work, outdoors, at the gym, in the car, at the beach, or wherever else the day takes you.  

BlendJet has patented TurboJet technology which means you can blast through pesky ingredients like ice, frozen fruit, and leafy greens with ease. With quick charging, you can enjoy 15+ blends from just one hour of charging with any USB port.

Cleanup is a breeze. Just blend water with a drop of soap and you’re ready for your next blended creation. You can also transform your BlendJet into a formidable food processor, ideal for whipping up your favorite dips and salsas. Lock Mode allows you to confidently carry your BlendJet in your bag or enjoy your blended creations straight from the jar.

BlendJet is available in a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns that complement just about any style.


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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