FoodGiftsHoliday Gift GuideReviews

Gift Your Friends and Family Yummy Big Picture Farm Goats Milk Caramels #MegaChristmas24

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I have a huge sweet tooth, and caramels are one of my guilty pleasures. If I am going to treat myself, why not do it with a more healthy choice with Big Picture Farm’s Goats Milk Caramels. These are perfect to gift to your friends, family or coworkers.

Big Picture Farm’s caramels have been awarded top honors at the prestigious Fancy Food Show five out of the last six years, and the Good Food Awards organization has repeatedly recognized us as one of the top producers of high-quality, low-impact confections in America today. We use only high-quality, GMO-free, local and/or organic ingredients to supplement our farmstead milk. Welcome to the new age of artisanal confections!

Started in 2010 by Louisa Conrad and Lucas Farrell (and now joined by their daughters, Maisie and Minna), Big Picture Farm is a small hillside goat dairy and farmstead confectionery and creamery located in southern Vermont. Their award-winning goat milk caramels and farmstead cheeses are made with fresh, raw, creamy goat’s milk from their herd of 40 healthy and happy, free-ranging companions. An Animal-Welfare-Approved farm, the health and happiness of their animals is the center around which their farm and farm products revolve.

Their mission is also to integrate agriculture and narrative in a fresh way that properly evokes the place, animals, and work in order to bring to life the exciting and unpredictable evolution of their products, farm, and lives. The goal is spelled out in their name: to provide customers with the rich context surrounding their products. 

Big Picture Farm is committed to making the finest, most delicious caramels in the world. Our secret ingredient is our milk — we use fresh, creamy, delicious milk from our own herd of happy and healthy, free-browsing companions. Our Farmstead Goat Milk Caramels have been awarded more than a dozen national awards including Best Confection four times at the Fancy Food Show and three Good Food Awards.

Big Picture Farm Goats Milk Caramels are available for purchase Here

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