
Green Giant Eat More Veggies Review & Giveaway (Ends 10/11/13) #MyBlogSpark

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Make lunch or dinner time fun and tasty with Green Giant Vegetables.  Offer a great line of vegetable varieties, putting a tasty twist on the ordinary vegetable dish, Green Giant is sure to please even the finickiest eater at your dinner table.


My family favorite has always been the broccoli, cauliflower & carrots in a light cheese sauce.  At just 60 calories a serving, it is really tasty and filling.


Serve up some tasty veggies today as a side dish or get creative and add some low-calorie chicken to the vegetables and make it a main dish. With dozens of recipes to choose from, you are sure to find something new and exciting that everyone will enjoy.



Get on board today with making a Giant Difference and eat more veggies as part of your daily diet.

Thanks to Green Giant & My Blog Spark, one lucky fan has the chance to win an amazing “Get Healthy” Prize Pack that includes:

  • Gym Tote Bag
  • Health Fitness Journal
  • Filtering Water Bottle
  • Five (5) Green Giant Freebie Coupons
  • $10 Target Gift Card

Health Prize Pack


Giveaway is open to U.S. Residents, ages 18+ years of age.  Giveaway ends on 10/11/13 at 11:59 PM (ET).  Simply follow the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win.  Good Luck 🙂
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Betty Crocker® through MyBlogSpark

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

39 thoughts on “Green Giant Eat More Veggies Review & Giveaway (Ends 10/11/13) #MyBlogSpark

  • I love cucumbers mixed with tomatoes, onions and Italian dressing. Thank you

  • I love broccoli, with lots of butter! 😉

  • My dad makes a mean vegetable soup that’s great and has green beans, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots…Yum

  • We love veggies. Steamed broccoli, cauliflower -steamed or made into mac & cheese, roasted brussell sprouts. Cucumber & onion salad. So hard to pick just one.

  • my favorite vegetable is brocoli steamed and a pat of butter.

  • This is a really cool giveaway. I am partial to potatoes and corn. I do not buy potato flakes (yuck). I will make my own mashed potatoes. I usually boil them in water with kosher salt, rosemary, & thyme. After mashing them with butter and milk, they are absolutely amazing.

  • Steamed broccoli is a staple in my house kids love it

  • I love green beans! My favorite way to make them is with bacon, onions, and toasted almonds – delish!

  • I LOVE to steam brocolli and make a healthy cheese sauce to go over it!

  • Steamed broccoli is a favorite in this house!

  • Cauliflower, steamed, or as faux mashed potatoes.

  • I like carrots with cinnamon and honey

    Thank you for the chance to win!

  • I really do like broccoli and sometimes I put a little cheese on it.

  • I like peas frozen only and then creamed with a touch of salt and butter.

  • I like green beans a lot and just cook them with a little salt and pepper and butter. Thank you, Jerri Davis

  • love brussel sprouts steamed with bacon its

  • I love steamed broccoli or asparagus.

  • I love pepper, mushrooms and onions saute in a little olive oil with garlic

  • I like a lot of vegetables, but corn on the cob is my favorite. I love it on the grill and then dip it in butter.

  • I love broccoli! Steamed, stir-fried, in salad. Thanks for the giveaway.

  • Such a terrific giveaway, Healthy and Happy. My family loves the steamed vegetables and I never have a problem with them being leftover.

  • Corn on the cob grilled on the bbq

  • I like broccoli

  • I love broccoli especially when it’s roasted with a little olive oil.

  • I love veggies! Green beans, cauliflower, sweet potatoes and butternut squash are my faves!

  • I love steamed broccoli with butter and Parmesan cheese.

  • I like corn on the cob and I like it with just butter.

  • I love and adore asparagus. I like it baked in the oven with some pepper, lemon juice, and parmesan on it. Sometimes I’ll throw on some garlic & red pepper flakes too.

  • Corn is one of my favorites. I love to serve it on the cob or whole kernel with a little butter and salt.

  • I love cauliflower roasted with a little cheese

  • I love asparagus. i like lay them out in a dish and sprinkle them with butter buds, cheese, salt, pepper and oregano. so yummy.

  • I love green beans my favorite way to cook them is to cook them in beef broth with dried onions!

  • Favorite vegetable is cauliflower and I love it roasted or mashed.

  • I love kale! I put it in soups and make kale chips!

  • My favorite is cucumbers chopped sprinkled with sea salt.

  • I love to steam cauliflower and then simmer it in low sodium chicken stock.

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