
How to get instant money for an emergency?

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Are you unable to pay your monthly rent? Did your car break down? Do you have to pay an unexpected medical bill?

It’s said that life happens when you’re busy making other plans. If a financial emergency has pushed you into a corner and you don’t have any savings to turn to, here are some ways you can get instant cash.

Ask your family and friends

If you’re genuinely struggling to make ends meet, there’s no shame in asking your friends and family for help. Instead of treating this as a charity, consider it as a loan. Most of the times, your friends and family won’t charge you any interest.

Auction your belongings

Auctioning your belongings is one of the easiest ways to make some quick cash. From taking an antique watch to a pawnshop to auctioning your precious comic book collection online, selling your prized possessions can get you out of an unfortunate situation.

Take out a loan

Most conventional forms of borrowing involve a cumbersome, time-consuming process. On the other hand, a fast cash loan gives you instant access to funds. Even if you have a poor credit score, you can apply for a fast cash loan. The best part? Fast loan lenders transfer funds within the same day and in some cases within an hour!

Check your pockets

Though it sounds silly, what’s the harm in checking your all your pockets? While you’re at it, also check your old purses and in between the sofa cushions. You’ll likely find at least a couple of bills and coins. And when you’re in a financial funk, every little bit helps.

Sell your recycling

Collect all cans, bottles, scrap metals you can get your hands on. You can even ask your neighbours. Take these to your local recycling centre and sell them for money. If you have a lot of junk, it can add up to a good amount. This cash could be enough to patch you through till your next paycheque comes.

Ask your employer

Let your employer know about your financial problems and request him/her for a salary advance. It’s a long shot, but it’s worth a try. You can even negotiate extra working shifts for a cash advance.

Take out a mortgage

Take out a mortgage on your house. If you’ve already taken out a mortgage, you can consider getting a second mortgage. However, take your time to think this step through. Failing to pay the loans will mean losing your house.

Get a new credit card

Similar to fast cash loans, getting a credit card will give you instant access to funds. You can apply for a credit card online and receive it within a few business days. You should carefully read the terms and conditions before applying for a credit card.

Rent out your house

You can list your house on Airbnb or consider getting a roommate for a some time. Remember, this is temporary. You can have your space back once you’re out of your current situation.

Look for quick-paying jobs

Babysitting and pet walking are easy-to-find jobs offering decent pay. Put up flyers in your neighbourhood to find such jobs.

Apart from this, if you have a car, you can also become a driver with a cab service like Uber or GoCatch.

Garage Sale

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Do you have a lot of unwanted items lying around? Make the most of this opportunity by organising a garage sale. From obscure home decor to clothing, everything is sellable.


If you’re in a situation that people will be sympathetic towards, you should consider crowdfunding. There’s no surety of funds, but it’s possible to get money if your campaign gains traction.

We hope these tips help you get out of your financial crisis. Good luck!


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