
ICE Blackbox App #Review

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

ICE – In Case of Emergency.  In today’s technologically driven world, most everyone has an ICE contact saved in their phone.  A recent study shows that there are currently more cellphones worldwide than there are people.  This means a LOT of the world’s population is linked up in some way, and tons of them have smartphones.  In the current world of smartphones, it seems like there is an app for everything from online gaming to online banking.  I am no exception to this.  Both myself, and my teenage daughter are linked up and we both have smartphones.

When I was 16, owning a cellphone meant you had a ton of money and carried around something the size of a brick.  Today, they are smaller, sleeker and hold more information than a home computer of the 90’s.  Also, when I was galavanting around town with my friends, I had to stop at someone’s house or a pay phone to check in with my parents.  Today, my daughter can send me a simple text, or I can even use the GPS feature on our phone plan to know where she is.


Bullying and abuse have been age-long problems in our society.  With today’s technology, awareness has become more prevalent and helping to deter these situations.  With portable cameras, camcorders and cellphones small enough to fit in your pocket, it has helped capture moments and prevent further abuse from happening, but sometimes these photos and videos can get erased, lost or removed.



ICE Blackbox is releasing a new app that will be a new way to defend against attacks from bullies, strangers, rapists and other violent offenders.

A little bit more about the App:

ICE Blackbox will provide anyone the ability to remove the element of anonymity from the attacker.  Once launched, the app streams video, audio & GPS information to their secure vault.  This evidence is available to the victim and the victim’s ICE contacts (a personal list of In Case of Emergency contacts). It cannot be deleted, this is to protect the victim from being forced to delete the recording.  

If the victim feels the attack is imminent, he/she can launch the app point it at the attacker(s) and tell them “I Have You on ICE.”  At that point, the attacker(s) have a decision to make.   Continue the attack with the knowledge that their face and voice are now on a secure server to be used in a court of law or turn around and walk away.  

If the awareness of this app and the movement truly reaches all,  this will definitely help deter attackers from completing an attack. 

If the attacker decides to continue the attack, the victim can click on the 911 icon and the app will dial 911 and at the same time send a message to your ICE contacts with a link to your video and your exact GPS location.  

If this movement spans the globe, it may change the way attackers think about hurting innocent people.  This is possible, but we as a human community must come together and make a commitment to use this tool to stop abuse.


I am so pleased I was chosen to share this information with my readers.  As a victim of abuse myself, I wish this app was around at that time to help memorialize my attack.  I know things would have turned out differently.  As a strong advocate against abuse of any kind, I highly recommend anyone that has a smartphone add this app.  Helping to spread the word that violence is unacceptable in any form and that the perpetrator or attacker CAN and WILL be caught is a must.  Please take a moment to read more about the ICE Blackbox App and help spread the word. You can even sign up to try the Beta version for yourself.  Reasonably priced at a one-time price of $4.99, this is a must-have for every smartphone user in your household.


THE BEST PART!!!! ICE BlackBox is now available for FREE download in the App Store, and will be FREE for the next few weeks.


Disclosure: It’s Free At Last received monetary compensation for this post; however, all opinions are completely and 100% my own.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

40 thoughts on “ICE Blackbox App #Review

  • Pingback: Review Spotlight 5/5 | Sublime Media Connection

  • Wow this is great! This would make people feel so much safer. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Thank you for the great review

  • Thanks for the review this is a great app to have.

  • Thanks for this Great Review! I never knew something like this existed! I will def check this app out!!!

  • Thanks for this Great Review! I never knew something like this existed! I will def check this app out!

  • This sounds like a great app. My daughter is not in school yet. Hopefully she will never experience bullying, but if so this app would be very helpful

  • What a wonderful idea!

  • This is great, I have it on my phone

  • This is a great idea! My phone wouldn’t support this app, but I’m going to keep it in mind when I upgrade. I’ll try to share this info on my fb page too.

  • This is a great idea! My phone is too basic for this app, but if I ever upgrade I’ll check it out. I might even try to share this on facebook.

  • I was born in 57, we didn’t have all these things. But I guess it would be handy to have.

  • my 12 year old daughter is dealing with bullying right hasnt came to the point where she has been attacked, and I hope it never does, but this would be great for her

  • my 12 year old daughter is dealing with bullying right now. it hasnt come to the pint where she has been attacked, and I hope it never gets that far, but this would be great for her to have

  • I grew up in the era when bullying was ignored if there was no physical violence. That left those of us who were verbally bullied very alone. This APP is a great idea not just for kids who are physically bullied but also for the kids who are emotionally bullied.

  • What a wonderful thing to have! Just imagine the lives and trouble this can save!

  • I will be doing some research on this one. Thanks for the heads up.

  • Such a great app. Thanks for the review.

  • This sounds like it could be a very helpful and important app to have. Technology is wonderful.

  • Nice app! I’ll give it some consideration, thanks for another great review.

  • thanks for sharing sounds like a great app for those that use cell phones…my kids might be interested in this i will pass this info on to them….thanks….

  • This would be a great app to have! You never know when it could happen!

  • I think this app is great and could use it myself.

  • Wow! What a neat app. I am excited to check it out. Thank you for sharing!

  • Very informative,thanks for sharing this with us.

  • this sounds like a great app..i will definitely check it out if and when our kids get a cell phone..thanks for the great review

  • I always thought that kids having cell phones is crazy, waste of money but after reading this review ,I’ve changed my mind.With the bullying that goes on now a days having a cell phone and this app is a great idea.

  • I think this app could be very empowering. Going to spread the word!

  • I agree with PPs – it’s sad that we live in a world where such an app is necessary, but I’m glad it does. I just have a couple of questions… Is it easy to press the buttons to start taking pictures/video? And is the picture quality good in low light?

  • will have to get this app

  • Will be sharing this App and my children will have it on their cells!

  • I will get this app and make sure other people know about it also.

  • I will definitely get this app and share it with other people. I believe it will be a great deterrent, especially as it becomes more well known.

  • This would be an awesome App to have! I worry about my kids still and they’re all grown with families of their own! But if they had this app I would feel so much better, Especially my daughter. She took a friend home one night because he was drunk and his girlfriend and her sister umped my daughter and pulled her out of the vehicle and beat her up because they thought she was having an affair with the boyfriend. My daughter was and is happily married. Her husband was in Afghanistan at the time. She took the guy home because her brother couldn’t drive him home. If she had had this app she could have brought charges against the girls and they would have been punished. As it is she couldn’t charge them because they lied to the cops and said they were no where near her when it happened….

    • Deanna,

      That is awful. I am sorry to hear that happened. I think this app would have been perfect for that moment too. Thanks for helping spread the word about ICE Blackbox. It really is a must-have app.


  • I will definatly be spreading word about this app! thank you!

  • As a victim of abuse myself this would have mad a difference in the outcome as well for me. Modern technology makes a huge difference in society today

  • Thank goodness in todays society that we have the technology to help protect ourselves that we did not have several years ago. I too was a victim of abuse and this would have definitely mad a difference in the outcome

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