
Is AI Technology The Key To Better Health For Humans?

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Artificial intelligence is a buzzword that won’t go away. Everyone’s talking about it and the different ways it could impact society – for both the good and the bad. One thing we’re particularly interested in is how AI plays a role in healthcare moving forward. Specifically, could this technology hold the key to better health for humans in the future?

Compared to other species, we’re already far outliving ourselves. The average life expectancy has gone up over the years thanks to medical technology and crazy tech developments. Will AI push things even further? Let’s look at what it’s currently doing and the potential this holds…

AI Can Improve Diagnoses

We mentioned this in our article about medical technology innovations, but AI is helping medical professionals get better and more accurate diagnoses for a range of conditions and illnesses. It’s able to take scans or lab samples and compare data across billions of things in a moment. This is far beyond what a human being can do and should lead to faster diagnoses. Improving the speed and accuracy of a diagnosis can be the difference between treating it early and going past the point of no return.

Enhancing Medical Tech With AI

Artificial intelligence is also being used to make existing medical tech even better. This is done on-site in hospitals with AI solutions and X-ray machines, but we’re also seeing a rise in this technology across devices people use to treat specific problems. The last decade has seen a huge growth of AI in hearing solutions, transforming the humble hearing aid into a multi-faceted tool. Hearing aids are more powerful and versatile than ever before thanks to machine learning and artificial intelligence. We’re seeing implementations like this across all areas of healthcare, so current technology gets even better and can provide patients with more help!

AI Health Assistants Empower The Public

Waiting times are one of the biggest worries across the healthcare sector. It’s crazy to think that 26% of patients are waiting more than two months to gain access to a healthcare provider. That’s abominable. So much time is wasted just getting to the point where a doctor can look at your symptoms and provide a diagnosis.

AI can change this. Virtual health assistants powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used as a contact point for patients. They can talk to these assistants, explain their symptoms, upload images, and get genuine suggestions. Sometimes, proper diagnoses can be given, so the individual knows what treatment to look for. It negates lengthy waiting times while lifting some of the pressure on health practitioners.

Understandably, the world is still unsure about AI and its role in healthcare. Can it bring forth a better future where health is improved? Who knows for sure! Right now, we can say there are plenty of cool developments related to the healthcare sector that may improve the way we access services and get treatment for different conditions. As AI evolves, maybe new innovations will bring forth even better results.

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