
KosoGames Introduces Four New Educational Card Games Based on Classic Family Favorite Go Fish

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KosoGames Introduces Four New Educational Card Games Based on Classic Family Favorite Go Fish

Author, businessman and entrepreneur Richard Kosoff has created a fun and innovative new series of card games on the family favorite, Go Fish!

Available on the Amazon and Walmart sites, KosoGames spans four distinct yet equally enjoyable categories: U.S. History, Science, Dinos and Girl Power!

The old Go Fish! is about collecting numbers in groups of 4 (4 Jacks, 4 9s, 4 Kings, etc.), but KosoGames takes a much more educational approach to the timeless card game by inviting players to ask fellow players such questions as “Do you have any Planets closest to Earth, Any Poisonous Plants, or Fastest Land Animals?”

KosoGames’ Go Fish Science game features 13 categories of compelling scientific facts all in groups of 4, whereas Go Fish U.S. History features the top 4 Presidents, Inventors, Authors, National Parks and more.

In addition, KosoGames’ Go Fish Dinos cards invite players to hunt for the fastest, meanest, ugliest dinos that have roamed the Earth, and Go Fish Girl Power, inspired by Kosoff’s daughter, includes 13 categories of inspiration women from Astronauts to Entrepreneurs to Social Warriors.

According to Kosoff, One might ask, how did the idea for this version of Go Fish come about, especially since my day job is a mortgage broker for Actually, it was easy really. When interest rates go up, the mortgage business gets really slow. This gives me lots of time to be creative.”

“I always thought Go Fish could be so much more,” Kosoff continues. “For instance, I knew who wrote the Declaration of Independence, but who was the father of the Constitution? I didn’t know and thought well, if I don’t know, I bet a lot of others don’t know either. And with that, GF U.S. History was born. Also, the nice thing about these games is they come with lots of facts. For instance, my favorite piece of trivia is in Go Fish Science: What is the one word found in every Shakespearian play? Give up?….. Blood! (1 of 4 cards under the Circulatory System).  Now I’m playing with changing the logo from: KosoGames: where fun and education collide, to KosoGames: where kids get smart and grandparents get smarter!”

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