
Make Travel Memories with These Two Great Novels by Quarto

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‘Tis the season for traveling. I’m exited to share two new books you will not only love, but will help create and cultivate many memories and tick off some bucket list items you may not have even known you wanted until now.


The 50 States Bucket List: The Ultimate Journal for a Journey across America, by Jessica Laughlin, is a unique guide to the most exciting places across America (including Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico!). Beautifully illustrated and vegan leather–bound its organized by region, with fast facts about each state, like the state’s nickname, state bird, and state flower. Theres’s also write-ups on key attractions in each state, along with a list to check off your bucket list items and customizable destination plans, with beautifully illustrated state maps, giving you an overview of the best each state has to offer. Every visit can be journaled in the prompts throughout, where you can memorialize each experience.

The National Parks Bucket List: The Ultimate Adventure Journal for all 63 Parks by Linda Mohammad

Take this unique journal with you as you take in breathtaking scenery and take on thrilling terrain in national parks. Featuring a soft, faux-leather cover and prompts throughout its pages, this keepsake journal encourages you to detail every expedition, camping trip, hike route, and more. The journaling prompts for each park will inspire you to truly take in your time in nature and make note of the special memories you make, from r favorite trails to the most exciting flora and fauna. For each of the 63 parks, find helpful facts on the terrain, geography, both natural and cultural history, and wildlife, as well as tips and tricks to make the most of your time in the park.

Whether in your home state or travel across the country, these guides will help create excitement and new adventures for yourself and your family or traveling companions. Both books are available from Quarto and on Amazon.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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