
Mozo Shoes Giveaway (Ends 04/14/14)

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Welcome to the Mozo Shoes Giveaway!

Hosted by Mostly Together Mommy


With Spring finally here, it’s time to jump in with both feet! With so much to do and so many places to go, it’s necessary to find a pair of shoes that can do it all. Mozo Sport Flat Canvas can do it all – take a walk in the park, go shopping, or even wear them to work!

 Comfort is what these shoes are all about. With a molded footbed and quilted lining, these shoes are wonderful for those spending a great deal of time on their feet. Rainy spring days are no match for the interlocking tread pattern, which ensures a great traction and slip resistance.

One lucky winner will take home a pair of these shoes for themselves! To enter, simply use the Rafflecopter form below. One entrant per household, 18+. Open to the U.S. Only. This giveaway will end on April 14, 2014 at 11:59 pm, CST.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

19 thoughts on “Mozo Shoes Giveaway (Ends 04/14/14)

  • I like the sport canvas, could really use! Thanks!

  • Fab canvas

  • I also like the Sharks Farza for my husband

  • Btw, there are a couple of Rafflecopter entries where whenever I try to click them, I am sent to a page that just has your disclosure statement graphic. This happens with the MTM twitter and IG entries for sure, but I haven’t tried all of them. Anyhow, I follow MTM on Twitter + IG even if the ‘copter won’t let me record those entries. Thanks!

  • Give me ALL OF THEM. Just kidding! The Frescos.

  • Fab – Canvas looks like the would be comfortable for diabetic feet. Very comfy looking.

  • Fab – Canvas in Yellow or green would be my choice. They look comfy for diabetic feet. easy off and on it looks like.

  • If anyone is diabetic it seems these would be great. A little give, from swelling, which keeps us happy.

  • i like the sport – canvas!

  • Sport Leather

  • I love the green sport canvas , super cute!!

  • I really love the Frescos!

  • I like their Skull Shoes. I wish they made them for girls 🙂 though I could maybe fit a mens 7?

  • I also like the Fab Canvas shoes in yellow.

  • I like the black Forza shoes, they would be great for work

  • I like the Fab leather in black.

  • I also like the Forza high back clogs at Mozo Shoes.

  • I also like the Fab – Canvas

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