
Old School Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon GC

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2024 Old School Giveaway Hop!

Now that the kids are back in school and acclimating to a routine, give yourself a bit of fun. Have a blast as you check out our latest giveaway hop with so many chances to enter and win! Also be sure to check out our other active giveaways.

It’s Free At Last and so many other great blogs are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU! 

***The Giveaway***

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card

Giveaway is open to Worldwide Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 08/30/24.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

48 thoughts on “Old School Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon GC

  • I love how cheap the school supplies are and buying them for my kids new school year! School supply shopping has always been my favorite since I was a kid!

  • I’m enjoying the last leg of summer.

  • My favorite thing about this month: fall festivals.

  • I love my grandson’s excitement about going back to school.

  • My favorite thing about this month is that it means summer is coming to an end and the place will start to get a bit cool at long last!

  • It’s my daughter’s birthday month! I love celebrating her.

  • Two birthdays.

  • My favorite thing is the cooler mornings.

  • It’s my birthday month!

  • August is normally the money we visit my aunt for 2-3 weeks. It gives my mom and her sister time to see each other for a bit as this is the only time they see each other. It gives my hubby and me time alone too.

  • More opportunities for walking and enjoying it all.

  • My favorite thing about this month is the Iowa Stste Fair. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  • the days are starting to get cooler

  • I enjoy the warm weather

  • I like that the weather is still hot and we can spend time at the pool.

  • I love going to the beach and pool.

  • I enjoy being home with my daughter before I go back to teaching in September.

  • I love celebrating my son’s birthday.

  • I love that it’s back to school! All new school clothes and supplies, so much shopping to do.

  • Every August my family gets together for a family reunion. It is so nice to see some family members that live farther away.

  • Summer vacation!

  • I liked the warm weather

  • Enjoying the summer treats

  • I am loving all of the fresh garden tomatoes!

  • Pool days!

  • I enjoy swimming in our pool.

  • The lower humidity

  • I love all the fresh garden ingredients coming from the garden!

  • The weather.

  • We have a lot of birthdays this month.

  • I like that fall is coming soon.

  • I love the garden tomatoes in this month so much.

  • I like the back to school energy

  • i like getting together with family for bbqs

  • I like the summer showers.

  • BBQs

  • My favorite thing about August is my birthday and an opportunity to be outside enjoying very warm weather.

  • We are going camping! I can’t wait!

  • My brother was born this month and so was my dad.

  • Many birthdays in the month to celebrate, including mine!

  • I love that cooler temperatures are not too far away in August.

  • Looking forward to the County Fair, I think it will be a lot of fun.

  • My anniversary.

  • I like that it’s summer and we get to enjoy our pool.

  • I like that we get to celebrate my daughter and husband’s birthdays along with wedding anniversary

  • My favorite thing about this month is harvesting my garden.

  • I like that we have so many families and friend’s birthdays this month to celebrate. Today my grandson turned 16 and on the 12th I turned 72 years young!

  • I like that it is still hot summer weather here!

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