
Origami Owl Living Locket Giveaway (Ends 4/25/13)

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

OO Necklace

Win an AWESOME Living Locket from OrigamiOwl!

I am so happy to have joined with 9 other great bloggers to offer you the chance to win your very own Living Locket from OrigamiOwl. This locket would be perfect for Mother’s Day. Whether the person you want to honor is a mother or a grandmother, OrigamiOwl has you covered. You can customize any locket.

What do you win?

  • Your choice of One OrigamiOwl Locket with chain
  • Up to 5 Charms of your choice
  • 1 plate for the back of your locket
  • 1 dangle of your choice

Just enter on the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I did not receive any compensation for this post. [[MY BLOG]] is not responsible for prize fulfilment. All prizes will be fulfilled by MyCouponLady.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

42 thoughts on “Origami Owl Living Locket Giveaway (Ends 4/25/13)

  • shared on facebook!

  • the locket would be for me!!

  • The locket would be for my wife, she has always wanted one and it would be a great mothers day gift!!

  • I have one and I am giving my mom one for Mother’s Day. I would give this one to my daughter!

  • I would keep it for myself!

  • It would be for either myself or my daughter 🙂

  • I shared this on my facebook wall (Ann Cluck) and on twitter (@AnnCluck)

  • Either myself or my sister

  • For myself 🙂 Thank you

  • For myself 🙂 Thank you

  • I would make the locket for my Mom!

  • I shared this awesome giveaway via FB

  • I would give this loving locket to my mother in law!! she is one amazing woman!

  • The locket would be for me…these are beautiful!

  • shared on FB

  • I would give it to my mom

  • I shared this on my Facebook.

  • I would love to win one for my self!

  • Me!!

  • it would be for my mom

  • My daughter

  • I would give this locket to my mother!

  • I shared on Facebook

  • It would b for myself

  • It would be for myselff

  • Love it

  • My daughters

  • Well I REALLY want to get one for my 2 daughters & 2 daughters in law, but this time I’m going to be selfish & get MINE first. I have wanted one of these since I first saw them. Thanks so much for sponsoring the giveaway for us.

  • It would be for me – I have been wanting one of these!!

  • It would be for me, I have wanted one for a while now,

  • I would make it for myself, honoring my family, since I would never ask my family to spend the money on one of these for me when we could get things for the kids instead.

  • For my mom

  • I would keep it for mysefl!

  • I would LOVE to give this to my mother!

  • Me!!!

  • I would honor my husband and my children!


  • It would be for my mother 🙂

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