
Rewrite Reality In Boonie Bears: Time Twist In Theaters Exclusively January 24th

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Rewrite Reality In Boonie Bears: Time Twist In Theaters Exclusively January 24th

Check out the new trailer for Boonie Bears: Time Twist, starring Chris Boike, Patrick Freeman, and Kieran Katarey, coming to theaters across North America on January 24th, 2025 from Viva Pictures!

Time falls apart in this wild adventure as Vick, a hero to forest animals, races through his fractured memories to save his friends and stop the collapse of the time-space continuum in the all-new movie:

Though a hero to all the animals in the forest, Vick is disappointed with his life. He has no money and no friends. When a crazy scientist gives Vick the opportunity to move to the lap of luxury in the city, he takes the deal and unknowingly erases his two best friends, Briar and Bramble from history.  Determined to save his friends, Vick must adventure through his fractured memories before they are forgotten and the time-space continuum is ruptured forever.

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