
Save Big of Food Brands You Love with Martie Online Store

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As food prices have skyrocketed, it seems like there is no hope in sight for affordable food, let alone the extra treats and accessories we occasionally indulge in. While the prices in your everyday grocery store may not be coming down anytime soon, let me tell you about an online store that offers HUGE savings and name-brand items at at affordable price.

Introducing Martie – the online deal and grocery store that has saved shoppers over $10 million nationwide while already saving over 5 million pounds of food.

Martie has a wide range of your favorite products including: healthy snacks, organic groceries, an extensive selection of home goods, household essentials and beauty items, at a fraction of the cost of other stores.

Shoppers can find their favorite brands like Kettle Chips, sparkling water from Zevia, HOP WTR, sweets from brands like Ferrero Rocher, condiments and hot sauces from brands like Yellowbird and Fly By Jing, and HUNDREDS more!

With over 4,000 5-Star Reviews, Martie customers come back, and frequently! Martie is the hidden gem everyone is looking for to help solve the soaring prices experienced during every grocery run.

About Martie

Martie is an online grocery store that sells heavily discounted surplus groceries and household items to prevent waste while saving shoppers up to 70%. The company works with top brands and producers to shop their ever-changing supply of surplus pantry goods–primarily items that would otherwise be thrown out due to overstock, package changing, nearing best by dates, or seasonality–and in turn sells them online directly to consumers. 

Martie shoppers enjoy shelf-stable pantry goods, cooking essentials and household items shipped directly to their door, no subscription necessary, and save on average $54 per order or $600 per year, with 47% of customers returning month over month. Since launching in late 2021, and nationwide in October 2023, Martie has saved more than 5M pounds of food from going to the landfill and saved shoppers more than $8M. Learn more at, or download the iOS and Android app.

While more than 44 million Americans are experiencing food insecurity, Martie is offering perfectly good food at an incredible discount.

“We are thrilled to offer every person in this country access to surplus items at a discounted rate, including specialty and premium items. Martie promises significant savings and to always stock our online with the essentials you know and need. By selling surplus items that would otherwise go to waste, we are enabling customers to be environmental heroes simply by shopping discounted groceries! That we make shopping a fun experience akin to a treasure hunt is a pretty amazing bonus.” – Louise Fritjofsson, Martie CEO and Co-Founder

Are you ready to take back some of your dollar value and get great savings on the brands you know and love? Start your shopping experience with Martie today. Save $5 off your order using code KRISKOHALE

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