
School-Safe Muffins from Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery

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Make packing lunchboxes easier with school-safe muffins from Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery! Their six delicious muffins are peanut-free, nut-free and gluten-free, providing children with a safe treat to enjoy as a snack or in their lunch. The moist gluten-free muffins are light, fluffy, and full of flavor making them a muffin truly everyone will enjoy.

Choose from mouthwatering varieties, including Blueberry Raspberry (also soy-free), Blueberry (also soy-free), Triple Chocolate (also soy-free), Chocolate Chip, Lemon Poppyseed (also soy-free) and Cinnamon Chip (also soy-free).

About Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery

Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery has been baking delicious muffins, cupcakes, cakes, and more since their founding in 2005 based on their proprietary gluten-free flour blend. Their mission is simple: bake great-tasting treats everyone can enjoy together. Founded by Pin Hsiao, whose passion for baking comes from his family, Antonina’s is named for his wife, a nod to the love that fuels everything they do together. ​​Whether it’s breakfast, brunch, an after-school snack, dessert, or a party, baked goods from Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery bring people together, no matter their dietary needs.​ Take a bite – you won’t believe it’s gluten-free!

Connect socially to learn more about Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery. To find a store near you, please visit their store locator.

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2 thoughts on “School-Safe Muffins from Antonina’s Gluten-Free Bakery

  • they look great

  • These look delicious. Thanks for sharing.

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