
The Contagiously Fun Card Game Virus! #MegaChristmas20

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What a great game to play after Thanksgiving dinner this year. Once all the food is put away, and we are resting from eating a big meal we will be playing this Virus! game from Goliath Games. My kids will love to sabotage us parents and their organs and try to win against us. You can also play it anytime of the year, especially since we may be spending more time indoors this winter. Virus! would make a great stocking stuffer also. So check it out on Goliath’s Website and see for yourself! 

About Goliath Games:

Goliath Games was established in 1980, and remains one of the few family-owned and run businesses in the world of toys and games.

One of Europe’s best selling toy and game lines that has landed in America. These interactive games are both interesting and challenging for all ages and never get old. Adi Golad started Goliath in 1978 with his passion to bring new toys on the market and today Goliath sells more than 100 products worldwide. On July 4th, 2008, Goliath opened its US subsidiary, headed by board game guru David Norman.



Experimental viruses have escaped the lab and only you can stop them! Face the pandemic and compete to be the first to eradicate the virus. Ethical or not, all means at your reach are valid to achieve victory.

Warning: The fun is contagious! Protect your organs while attacking others in this easy to learn card game. Place a virus on another player’s organ card to sabotage them or use a medicine card to immunize your own organs.  

Use your wits and thwart your rivals’ efforts – the first player with four healthy organs wins!

  • Easy to learn gameplay
  • For 2-6 players, ages 8 and up
  • Best-selling game in Spain 2018

You can purchase Virus! game on Amazon and Walmart. 

Stay socially connected with Goliath Games for all their latest product releases: 



We have added the Virus! Game to our 2020 Holiday Gift Guide

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