
TreatBrush from ChewMate Will Help Your Pet is Heart Healthy

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Make sure your pet is Heart Healthy with TreatBrush by ChewMate: This innovative pet toothbrush is disguised as a toy that brushes and flosses your furry friends’ teeth while they play (versions for both dogs and cats). You can also include a treat of your choice inside for added encouragement!

❤️All the hearts we see around Valentine’s day are a great reminder of taking care of their heart health. Dental health relates directly to the heart–and ChewMate believes in a healthy mouth–healthy heart–healthy planet. All its products are made of all natural materials and all packaging is recyclable.

Your dogs or cats will love these brushes, and while they play it will help to keep their teeth healthy and clean!


Natural Rubber Bone Toothbrush Toy for Small Dogs and Puppies

Pet Oral Care Made Easy.

•Brushes AND Flosses Teeth
•Patented “Floss Slots”
•Science Backed, Easy and Fun
•Built-in Treat Dispenser
•Dishwasher Safe, Phthalate and BPA Free

•Healthy MouthHealthy HeartHealthy Life.

About ChewMate: 

If you’re not brushing your dog’s teeth on a daily basis, tartar and plaque will build up over time leading to bleeding gums, bad breath or even heart disease.

Just like with humans, pet dental disease is the most prevalent disease in the world. It causes undue pain, misery and expense, and it is almost completely preventable with good oral hygiene. The problem is that most dogs hate having their teeth brushed… So that is why we invented Treatbrush™ to help brush and clean your pets’ teeth, gums, and tongue with every chew!

Natural Rubber Football Oral Care Toy for Large Dogs (over 50 Lbs)

Pet Oral Care Made Easy.

Brushes AND Flosses Teeth
•Patented “Floss Slots”
Science Backed, Easy and Fun
Built-in Treat Dispenser
Dishwasher Safe, Phthalate and BPA Free

“Rubber Bristles” and patented “Floss Slots” Triple clean your dog’s teeth, gums and tongue with every chew. They work together to clean away harmful smelly bacteria called plaque 360 degrees around the teeth all the way to the gum line. The “Floss Slots” are scientifically shaped To fit your dog’s triangular teeth for maximum cleaning and efficiency. Simply insert your dog’s favourite treat into the hollow center to increase stimulation and engagement. Examples can be dental sticks, collagen sticks, peanut butter etc.
Clean with soap and water or on top level dishwasher.

ChewMate Products are available for purchase on their Website and at your local Pet Store. 

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