
What Makes an Effective Leader?

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Across all forms of business and in all types of industry there is a definite need for strong, effective leadership. The best leaders can inspire whole teams and departments with their words and their actions. They can be a focal point for eschewing best practices and serving to motivate the workforce. As all forms of business face increasing competition on a global scale and must deal with increasingly challenging economic circumstances (such as high inflation levels and reduced consumer spending power), effective leadership is more important than ever. There is an ongoing debate amongst academics and business people as to what makes an effective leader. Some people believe that strong leaders are born, not made, whilst others are certain that life experiences and personal development shape leadership skills over time. However, there are certain skills and attributes that all effective leaders share, regardless of their background. In this article, some of the key shared traits of effective leaders will be explored. 

Lifelong Learning

Firstly, one of the prime attributes of any successful and effective leader is that they must subscribe to a philosophy of lifelong learning. This is not simply a corporate buzzword; it must be a dedicated commitment on the part of the leader. They must seek to expand their knowledge base in all areas of business and then apply them effectively in the workplace. For example, it is likely that leaders will have undertaken multiple training courses and gained numerous advanced academic qualifications. In the IT sector, leaders may seek to receive multiple certificates in Agile Coaching so that they can develop and lead multidisciplinary teams effectively. This training and knowledge are vital in senior IT positions where complex project work is undertaken, and all stakeholders must communicate effectively to achieve a shared goal.

Embodies Best Practices

An effective leader must also be the embodiment of corporate values. Their commitment and diligence must be demonstratable in both words and actions. Put simply, it is of little value to have a leader who eschews the value of hard work and looks for creative solutions to problems if they do not demonstrate these traits. The best leaders lead by example, and this can prove to be extremely motivating for a workforce when witnessed. Recent evidence suggests that great leaders can play a direct role in improving productivity in an organization. However, this can only be achieved if they embody the same traits in their work and attitude.

Can Challenge and Mentor

Every leader should be able to challenge attitudes, accepted practices, or ideas in the workplace. This is not to create conflict, but rather to ensure that best practices take place, negative attitudes are banished, and alternative perspectives can be given to ideas, tasks, and projects. In short, an effective leader will challenge the status quo to drive positive change and innovation. In addition, leaders play a vital role in mentoring the wider workforce. By allocating new tasks and responsibilities to staff members who seek development opportunities, they can play a key role in training the next generation of senior staff members and the new leaders of the future.

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