
Zim’s Advanced Cold Sore & Moisturizing Lip Balm Review

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

With fall here and winter right around the corner, that means increased exposure in dry lips and cold sores.  Did you know that cold sores are a medical condition that affects approximately 80% of adolescents in the United States, according to  Of that percentage, the average person gets 2 to 3 cold sores per year.


I am thankful to not have experienced a cold sore in many years, but know that it can lay dormant in my system  and rear its ugly head at any time.  With an amazing products like Zim’s Advanced Cold Sore Relief, I will be ready when I have another outbreak and help reduce and rid myself of that painful, embarrassing blister the next time it hits.



Both the ointment and stick contain the patented Propolis ACF® that acts as a preservative and has been used in traditional medicines for over 2,000 years. Propolis is a substance collected by the honeybee from the leaf buds and cracks in the bark of various plants in a defined region rich with poplar trees. Bees use Propolis as a protectant for their hive.
Treat: Zim’s Advanced Cold Sore ointment is best when used at the first sign of a symptom. Apply to the tingling or stinging lip and the petrolatum will provide a barrier which should soften and lock in moisture all over the surface of your lips. The ointment comes in a 2g tube. 
Maintain: Zim’s Advanced Cold Sore stick can be used daily to protect lips and maintain moisture, keeping the lips healthy. The lip balm comes in a 3g stick.  


Even though I have not yet experienced a cold sore outbreak, I am loving the other part of this dual pack, moisturizing lip balm.  It has helped keep my lips moist and soft and not prematurely become dried and cracked like they normally do in the fall.  With this lip balm, I am confident I will be able to maintain that moisture all winter long and avoid the painful feeling of dry, cracked sore lips that comes with the onset of the wintery dry and chilly air.


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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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