
How to Make Your Office More Sustainable

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We’re moving towards a more environmentally friendly world and that means that there are plenty of things that you could be doing to increase sustainability in your business.

Environmentally sustainable businesses are on the rise because of the fact that we’re all trying to do a little bit better for the world around us. The good news is that there are some simple things that you could be doing to make your office more sustainable. You don’t have to just leave it to the recycling plants that shred all your paper. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that you can increase your sustainability in your office.

Image source: Pexels

  1. Create a dedicated sustainability team. You can have all of the intentions in the world, but unless you are making moves, you’re not going to have a sustainable office. You need to start with a dedicated sustainability team. You can assign employees randomly in each department and rotate them, or you can ask for volunteers, but either way you need to have a team who is able to keep an eye on sustainability in your office. For example, one of them may decide to look up metal recycling near me so that they can determine how to dispose of the metal and electrical waste that you have in your business. Another member of staff may be in charge of emptying out the recycling bins and ensuring that recycling bins are being used. By having a dedicated team, you’ll be able to improve your sustainability.
  2. Choose green energy suppliers. No matter where you are in the world, you simply have to Google green energy suppliers and even green Internet providers. This can ensure that you are able to get your gas, electricity supplied from completely renewable sources or partially renewable sources. There are plenty of green energy companies to choose from, however, so just make a point of shopping around to see which deals are the best for you.
  3. Create sustainability targets in your business. At the start of the business year, setting achievable targets for your office is going to help. It’ll give you a whole team, concrete goals to work towards and it’s easy to measure the success of the whole project. You could even offer rewards for reaching certain targets and make it a competition so that people feel motivated. The best part is that you can get this on your social media to generate a little buzz about your business in your industry and you can also give back to the planet at the same time, which is a win-win.
  4. If you can, go paperless. Offices can churn through a lot of paper and it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s easier to avoid paper now than it ever has been before so just make sure that paper is only used if it’s absolutely necessary. Encourage your office to use recycling bins for paper as much as you would for metal and make sure you have people on top of this.
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