
4 Side Hustles You Can Start Today

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Are you looking for a new hustle that you can fit around your life and generate some much-needed income to support your income or goals? You’re not alone; the hustle culture is great in the US, and right now, around 39% of workers in the US have a side hustle.

Over a third of people admit to having more than one income stream to fund their lifestyles, so it might seem like there isn’t much room for you to generate income this way. But the reality is that those with the know-how and passion to move forward can explore a wealth of opportunities to create a lucrative side hustle.

This post is going to look at some ingenious ideas you can use to get started.

Pool Cleaning

If you live in a state where many homeowners or businesses have pools on their property, then branching out into pool cleaning services will be a great way for you to generate a side hustle and work on your own terms. You can carry out pool cleaning, retail services, pool supply supplying parts to homeowners and owners, or repairing or installing pools. This can be a great money spinner, depending on your level of expertise. Keeping a pool clean and in good condition can be a full job, so taking this responsibility off others’ hands can be a great idea.

Dog Services

The pet industry worldwide is booming right now, and if you love your four-legged friends, a side hustle working with dogs can be perfect for you and those who need help looking after their furry best friends.

Your options can include anything from dog walking, dog sitting, in-home boarding, creating pet toys or treats, or anything else you can think of that will benefit pet owners, such as training or nutrition advice and support. With more and more people spending big bucks on their pooches, getting into the sector can be highly lucrative.

Social Media Marketing

If you spend a huge chunk of time online on social media and are savvy at building a following or getting views on posts, then why not look at expanding your hobby into a cash generator? Small businesses especially are always looking for people to the them with their social media presence, and you can either offer to take control of their social media accounts and develop a posing schedule, or you can offer tips, tricks, and support for them to do it themselves.


Thrifting is big business right now, and you can create a lucrative side hustle by joining this culture. From selling unwanted clothing items and belongings on sites like Vinted to hosting garage sales or buying from garage sales, upcycling, and selling, there are plenty of options for you to explore. If you have an eye for a bargain or you are creative and handy at DIY, then thrifting can be a great option for you to pursue.

There are literally hundreds of side hustles you can take on to help you generate an income. Remember, the best side hustles are ones you can do with ease, with little outlay, and already have some some skills or expertise in.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “4 Side Hustles You Can Start Today

  • thanks for the great ideas

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