
4 Ways to Show Your Children You Love Them

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Being a parent can be complicated for a number of reasons. For one thing, the way in which you raise your children often changes as they get older, and it also varies from child to child; some children are really open about their feelings, whereas others can be closed books. You also have to make tough decisions as a parent, in order to act in the best interests of your kids, and your children won’t always agree with the decisions you have to make. All of these points can sometimes make it hard to show your children that you care about them. If you have found yourself wondering how you can really show your children that you care, then here are four simple ideas of different things you can do to bridge that emotional gap. 

Spend some quality time together

You don’t have to be out and about spending lots of money to have quality time with your children. In fact, often the simplest moments are the most precious, whether its just sitting down at the dinner table to eat your meals and talk about your days with one another, or just watching the television together as a family; it’s these moments that they’ll remember, and that will strengthen your family bonds.

Lend a listening ear

Good communication skills are really important for children, as they aren’t always the best at expressing themselves, especially once they hit puberty. Sometimes they might not tell you that they need to talk about something, so try and read their body language and behavior, and use your parental powers to deduce whether they might want to talk about something. If they do, the best thing you can do to show you are there for them is just to listen. As parents, the urge to fix everything in your children’s lives can be strong, but most of the time all they really want is to be able to offload onto someone and to know that you are there.

Get them something special

Of course, money doesn’t buy love, but every now and then a small gift can really show your children that you are thinking about them. It’s not about buying the biggest and most expensive items, but rather it’s more about the sentiment. For example, if you see an item which you think they’d like, you might consider buying it for them just because, instead of only giving them gifts on special occasions. You might also want to get them something personalized and sentimental, such as a photo album or Custom Envy personalized phone case. A gift can do wonders, especially if your child is going through a tough time. A personal touch just shows how much you know them too, and makes the gift a little more memorable.

Tell them you love them

It might seem like the most obvious point in the world, but it is also the most powerful. Everyone appreciates being told that they are loved, especially children, even if they don’t always show it. You might say it to them often in passing, but every once in a while, take a few moments to really put some feeling into it, and maybe accompany the words with a hug!

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