
5 Tech Gadgets to Cut Energy Bills in the Office

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Nothing has revolutionised the office quite like modern technology. Today, it would be virtually impossible to operate your business without it. But technology isn’t only a necessity. Smart business owners know how to use it to their advantage to not only improve the productivity of their employees, but also to reduce their monthly expenses.One such expense that every business can work on cutting down is their energy bill. With growing awareness around businesses reducing their impact on the environment, now is a better time than ever to consider using technology to shave crucial pounds off your energy bill. You can also rely on hiring the best services by local electricity companies, and keep every single appliance at the office working when it is needed to reduce your expenses. Both considerations are estimated to be quite powerful and proven to give back the best results.

Portable Projector

If you have a conference room and you frequently make presentations, consider using a portable projector instead of a traditional unit or television screen. They require little power to use and don’t need to stay plugged in, which means you won’t lose power to phantom loads. Portable projectors are also much easier to set up and carry around when needed.

Cloud Storage Drive

Office servers can be extremely high on energy usage and maintenance costs. They also require frequent security updates and may necessitate the need for an in-house IT professional. An easy way to eliminate these expenses is to use cloud storage drives instead.

Western Digital is a popular option here. Their cloud series storage devices come in the same form factor as traditional storage devices, but use a connection to an external cloud server to store your data. You can configure them to have up to 32 terabytes of storage and they can be accessed from any device, further offsetting energy usage.

Smart Power Strip

While it would be the most effective way to reduce standby power wastage, it’s not easy to expect every employee to unplug all of their equipment at the end of each day. A smart power strip is an effective solution, allowing one central device to shut down everything that’s connected to it. This saves an average of 10% on your energy bills.

Programmable Thermostat

Your heating and cooling system is one of the largest users of energy in your office. Using a programmable thermostat is a great way to reduce this cost. All you need to do is set a suitable temperature for day use and one for when the office closes. Even a single-digit temperature drop will go a long way in cutting down your energy bill.

Light Sensors

Despite your efforts, chances are that an employee will accidentally leave a light on in the break room, conference room or restroom every now and then. Hooking up your lighting to automatic sensors is a dependable way to ensure that lights in your office are only being used when absolutely necessary.

Quotes Comparison Sites

Finally, one thing every business can do to cut energy bills is to obtain a business utilities comparison. Most businesses tend to overpay, despite it taking only a few minutes to get quotes for the best energy supplier for your office.

Stay on the lookout for new gadgets that can help you save money in the office. New solutions are popping up around every corner, so it’s worth keeping an eye out for.

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