
6 Health-Related Challenges That Come with Aging

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Nobody likes growing older, but it is an undeniable fact of life: time passes, and we age. All of us hope that our bodies and minds will remain in good working order as we reach our older adult years, but few of us won’t face health challenges of one kind or another. Here are six of the most common maladies affecting older adults.

Vision Loss

Many people find that their vision is not as sharp as it once was as they get older. Some of this is due to hereditary factors. If your parents and siblings have vision problems, then it is likely that you will at some juncture as well. There is little you can do as far as preventative measures. The good news is that technology to aid human vision has gotten dramatically better in the last half-century. In addition to various reading glasses and glasses for everyday use, there are contact lenses and various forms of laser eye surgery. If your vision is deteriorating, ask your doctor if you might be a candidate.

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is an issue for older adults. To try and avoid this, wear earplugs if you attend concerts while you are younger to mitigate possible permanent damage. You should also keep the music turned down to a reasonable level if you are using earbuds or headphones. If you have already experienced some hearing loss, Miracle-ear lets you choose from different hearing aid styles. Getting a hearing aid is likely to improve your overall quality of life.

Loss of Mental Acuity

Some adults lose a portion of their mental faculties as they get older. Alzheimer’s and other diseases that rob people of their ability to think and reason clearly can be difficult to handle, both for the person afflicted and for those around them. While it is not always possible to completely avoid these problems, experts agree that adults who remain engaged with their communities seem to retain their mental capabilities better. Spending time with friends is a possible remedy.

Loss of Mobility

Loss of mobility can make it challenging for older adults to get around. Physical therapy can sometimes provide a solution. If the individual in question is capable of it, then yoga, swimming, using a treadmill, or even walking around the neighborhood can help to keep the muscles limber.


Many people are contracting diabetes as they age. While hereditary factors can play a part here as well, a healthy, balanced diet coupled with regular exercise can help with the problem. Those who know that there is a family history of diabetes should be sure to see their doctor regularly and should immediately report it if they feel any of the possible symptoms.

 Respiratory Diseases

Respiratory diseases can be particularly dangerous for older adults, as they are susceptible to them more than younger members of the population. You may need to have oxygen administered regularly, and you should have regular lung function tests. You should also avoid being out of doors in cold weather, and if you do go out, make sure that you are appropriately dressed.

Humans are living longer on average these days, and that can be quite wonderful, but it all depends on the quality of your life. Try to make good health choices both when you are younger and older. No one is invincible, and reckless or irresponsible behavior always catches up to us.


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