
A Guide to Increase Your Sales on Poshmark

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It’s no secret, Poshmark is an extremely competitive platform. No matter what type of items you’re selling there’s bound to be someone else who is selling the same thing or something extremely similar. So what can you do in order to level the playing field and increase your sales? Take a look at the guide below to get a few helpful hints.

Step 1: Post at Nighttime

Sometimes increasing your sales on Poshmark is simply a matter of changing the time in which you post. If you’ve gotten in the habit of posting your newest items at the beginning of the day then you may be limiting the number of individuals who see your item. Poshmark users tend to buy more at night time. And that’s because people are just getting home from work or winding down. Many individuals use Poshmark to relax after a stressful day. So it’s a good idea to post at the end of the day rather than the first thing in the morning.

Step 2: Post Regularly

Are you posting at night time and still not seeing the results that you need? Well, you may not be posting enough. Sure, you need to post at optimal times, but you should also develop a regular posting schedule–one that gives your audience a certain amount of expectation. When you get in the habit of posting according to a schedule your followers will constantly check your closet for updates to make sure that they don’t miss out on anything. So create a schedule and stick to it.

Step 3: Discount Prices On PayDay

There are many Poshmark sellers who discount the prices of their items. However, just as is the case with peak posting times, you need to discount your items at the right time. The best time to discount your items is on the day that most people are paid. The average customer gets paid on Friday.

So you could declare that all items are a certain percentage off every Friday. This builds anticipation among your followers and gives them something to look forward to every week. Another benefit is that this tactic may inspire them to buy some of your items at full price so that no one gets the item before they do.

Step 4: Bundle Your Items

One of the best ways to increase your sales on Poshmark is by bundling your items. The benefit of bundling your items is that you can sell more than one item at a time. It’s also beneficial for the customer as well. Poshmark buyers are often excited about buying bundled items because it saves them the cost of shipping. Instead of paying for each item to be shipped they can have several items shipped at once and reduce the fees. Discounting a bundle is optional, but it can help to sweeten the deal.

Step 5: Give Prompt Responses

If someone is interested in an item that you’re selling then they may have a question. The more timely your response is, the more likely they are to purchase the item. Not only that but when you offer speedy customer service it indicates to your other followers that you’re trustworthy and that you value their business. So make sure that you respond to your potential buyers within 24 hours. And make sure that you’re as detailed as possible. This can pay off in the long run.

Step 6: Follow More

It’s easy to become so involved in creating the perfect brand that you forget the importance of engaging with others. One of the biggest keys to increasing your sales on Poshmark is following other Poshmark users. The more users you follow, the more exposure you’ll get for your closet. And it’s not enough to follow 30 or 40 people per day. If you want to experience the most success then you should be following thousands at a time. This may seem like a lot but when you consider that these individuals will often follow you back and share the items in your closet it’s well worth the time and effort.

Step 7: Share More

You should also share as much as you can. There are a lot of sellers who post an item and then share them once or twice on the day that they list the item. Unfortunately, this won’t get you the results that you’re looking for. If you want to earn more then you need to share like crazy. Share with your Poshmark followers and share across all of your social media accounts. Most importantly you need to share at as many Poshmark parties as you can.

Also, you need to share the items of other Poshmark sellers. Why would you share other people’s merchandise when you’re trying to promote your own? When you share someone else’s items it can result in them sharing your items with their loyal followers.


If you want to increase your sales then you’re going to have to take a different approach. Sure, it will require a larger time investment, but ultimately it’s worth it. If you want to cut down on the amount of time that you spend on following and sharing you should consider using a Poshmark Bot. Instead of having to manually follow thousands of users per week and sharing endless amounts of items every single day, you can automate the process and let the Poshmark bot take care of all of the hard work for you.

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