
Accell’s PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surger Protector with Dual USB Charging

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Accell's PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surger Protector with Dual USB Charging

In today’s world, there are so many pieces of technology.  Smartphones, tablets, and more. With everything that takes electricity, of course there is a card that needs plugged in. Sometimes that can be difficult because adapters don’t hold enough plugs or it’s difficult to fit all of your plugs in.  Enter the Accell PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surge Protector with Dual USB Charger!

Accell's PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surger Protector with Dual USB Charging

The Accell PowerGenius is my new favorite power adapter because it not only provides six power outlets but they can rotate on a 180 degree axis.  This leaves no wasted space when you have bulky power adapters.  I can plug in my lamp, diffuser, Kindle, and more and not have to worry about space.

Accell's PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surger Protector with Dual USB Charging

If you have smartphones or anything else that uses a USB charger, you can plug it right into the PowerGenius!  I love that this frees up outlets.Accell's PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surger Protector with Dual USB Charging

This power adapter also provides surge protection. It features a high surge absorption capacity of 1080 Joules so it can stop damaging power surges from reaching the devices you have plugged in.

Also, if you have audio and/or video equipment plugged in, the PowerGenius AC power line has noise rejection technology to isolate your equipment from power generated noise. This “dirty power” can show up in your picture as static or crackling in your audio. I love that this provides the best picture and sound quality possible.

I am loving my Accell PowerGenius Rotating 6-Outlet Surge Protector with Dual USB Charging.  It makes it easy to plug multiple electronics in at once with the rotating outlets, as well as charge my smartphones with the dual USB ports.  I highly recommend this surge protector for any tech lover and their family!

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