
August 2024 Apple a Day Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

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August 2024 Apple a Day Giveaway Hop!

Can you believe it is back-to-school time already? Where did summer go so quickly? Check out our latest giveaway hop with so many chances to enter and win gifts to celebrate back-to-school time!

It’s Free At Last and so many other great blogs are VERY EXCITED to share this great opportunity with YOU! 

 ***The Giveaway***

1 winner will receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card

Giveaway is open to Worldwide Residents, ages 18+ years of age (limited to one entrant per household).

The giveaway ends 08/15/24.

Simply follow the Rafflecopter entry form below for chance to win.

Be sure to return tomorrow to complete the daily entries!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

62 thoughts on “August 2024 Apple a Day Giveaway Hop – Enter to Win $15 Amazon Gift Card

  • I like the sales.

  • the warmer weather

  • I really like the weather and the different fall festivals in the area.

  • The weather is the best!

  • My favorite thing about this month is that it’s the beginning of spooky season.

  • My favorite part about August is going on boat rides with my family!

  • Summer is close to ending

  • Summer is almost over (unpopular opinion- I HATE summer)

  • The sunflowers are blooming and they are so pretty!

  • The weather changing.

  • My favorite thing about August is visiting my aunt who lives in Maine.

  • It is my daughters birthday

  • I like the fresh peaches from local orchards.

  • My favorite thing about August is seeing the excitement on children’s face as they head back to school.

  • I enjoy pool time in August.

  • I love all the pretty almost fall flowers.

  • It’s my birthday month and also my grandson turns 16 this month on the 16th.

  • I love getting tomatoes from my garden.

  • My favorite thing about this month is the warm, sunny weather. It’s perfect for outdoor activities like picnics, beach days, and evening strolls. Plus, it’s a great time to enjoy seasonal fruits like watermelon and berries, and to have barbecues with friends and family. The longer days also mean more time to relax and enjoy the beautiful summer evenings.

  • My sister’s b-day.

  • I love that this is the time of year we visit family!

  • Beach days.

  • During August I love attending the church festivals!

  • My favorite thing about the month of August are the garden tomatoes.

  • I like the start of NFL games and fall-type stuff showing up.

  • I love that it’s pool season.

  • Great swimming weather when it’s hot.

  • I like the weather.

  • the Olympics

  • I love the warmer weather. Fun to take longer walks.

  • I love the hot weather and the fairs! Thank you

  • We, the extended family, have at least eight birthdays this month. I know I’m forgetting a few. Those are the ones I know for sure.

  • I like the weather. Nice and warm.

  • It’s time for all the state and county fairs around me.

  • My favorite thing about this month is the Iowa State Fair. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

  • it starts the last month before school starts

  • Lots of birthdays!

  • warm weather

  • I love all the fresh summer produce in the Farmer’s Markets in August.

  • I like celebrating our wedding anniversary this month.

  • I love this month because it was my dad’s birth month and my brother was also born this month.

  • This month is full of Birthdays so we get to party and have a wonderful BBQ too.

  • Thanks for the giveaway. I amlooking forward to fall. 🙂

  • The local fair

  • August is a lovely month for going on road trips.

  • Not really sure maybe the kid going back to school. Its toooooooo hot to really enjoy anything.

  • Swimming & my birthday.

  • I enjoy swimming in our pool and grilling outdoors.

  • My wedding anniversary.

  • The heat of summer will be coming to an end soon

  • I love that fall in almost here cooler weather

  • August favorite thing is my sons birthday

  • I like the angle of the sun in the afternoon. It makes for some fabulous sunsets.

  • I like the butterflies and hummingbirds.

  • i like the back to school shopping sales.

  • I can still enjoy the outside, but now the kid goes back to school which means free time for me ^_^.

  • I love harvesting my garden.

  • My favorite thing about this month is my garden starting to produce.

  • I love all the festivals that are going on in my city!

  • I love pool time and lake days.

  • My favorite thing is my kids birthdays!

  • I love that it is STILL hot summer weather here!

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