
Beginners Guide to Obtaining Real Estate License SC Online

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The process of taking real estate license SC online is not much different from other states in the US. One has to meet all of the eligibility requirements, take a South Carolina real estate license course, pass the state exam, and fulfill all other requirements. It is easy to pursue this license online since most of the services have been digitized.

For newbies, especially those who have graduated from a university or college, this may sound like a very long process. Now that you are here, you are lucky because we will simplify it for you.

What is a South Carolina Real Estate License?

This is a permit issued in the form of a license to real estate salespeople, brokers, and agents who want to actively practice. It is valid for two years. To apply for this license, you have to take a South Carolina real estate license course, sit and pass the real estate exam, and fulfill many other fulfilments.

Before renewing the real estate license after two years, one has to do a continuing education course and meet a few other requirements. These subsequent renewals are quite easy.

Important Requirements to Obtain an SC Real Estate License

As mentioned, the process of applying for the real estate license SC online can be long. Here are the most vital steps to take care of:

  • Eligibility check – The license is only issued to adults who have attained 18 years of age, and have a US citizenship or appropriate permits and visas to be in South Carolina.
  • Real estate course – This step is crucial and requires proper planning. Ensure that you take your SC real estate classes online through a certified school. You can try this out to avoid going through the overwhelming list of real estate course providers in SC.
  • State exam – You are required to prepare for the state exam, schedule it on time, and pass to proceed to it. As you take the SC real estate classes, remember to prep for the exam through various guides provided by such schools.
  • A background check – You have to prove that you have a clean record to acquire the South Carolina real estate license online.
  • A licensed broker to activate your license – Lastly, you need a licensed broker to activate your license after it has been issued and also nurture you until you settle into the career.

How to Apply for the SC Real Estate License

Luckily, you can apply real estate license SC online for free through the government portal, unlike before when people used agents or consultants at a fee. However, the license has a small cost set by the state. Follow the steps to submit your application and wait for the state to approve your license


Thanks to technology, obtaining a real estate license SC online is now possible. As mentioned, most of the services are provided online, including the application for the license, and even taking the 90-hour real estate course in South Carolina. Prepare yourself and start the process right now.

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