
Clever Tech Hacks Every Teacher and Student Needs to Know

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A tech hack can mean many things, but it all boils down to finding clever ways to use your technology. Some of these hacks are shortcuts; others help you do more with what you have. In the end, they all make life easier in some way and allow us to get better use of our technology.

Whether you’re looking to increase productivity or make life a little easier, here are some ways to get started.

Tech Hacks for Teachers

Getting your students engaged in a lesson can be a real challenge. Here are some ways you can use tech to get their attention.

Leverage Virtual Reality

In recent years, virtual reality has taken off. No longer are these devices reserved for gamers and tech enthusiasts. Google Cardboard is a cheap way to jump into VR on any smartphone you already own or your school might have available.

From there, you can find hundreds of educational experiences that will likely fascinate even your most distracted student. If you’re feeling especially adventurous, consider creating your own VR experience using Google’s Tilt Brush or other simple tools.

VR is an excellent tool for stretching the imagination of learners and getting them excited about the subject matter.

Integrate Google Docs and Drive With Classroom

If you’re already using Google Classroom, you know how helpful it can be to make classroom communication more efficient. But did you know that some of these features can also be used with Google Docs and Drive?

For example, you can quickly create a form to collect student information or collaborate on a project by sharing it as a Drive folder. You can even give editing permissions for specific documents or folders.

These features make it easy for students to work together without worrying about creating and exchanging files. You can also keep an eye on their progress by viewing revision history in Drive.

Use Technology to Create Custom Assignments and Quizzes

One of the great things about technology is that it allows us to be creative with our assignments and quizzes. For example, you could create a quiz students take on their phones.

The quiz could require an individual to take a selfie or send you an audio recording as part of the assignment. There are plenty of easy ways to incorporate technology into your assignments, keeping your students engaged.

While at it, prompt your students to find top-notch admission essay writing help services if they struggle with essay assignments. Not only will they get a great grade, but they will also learn how to format and structure their future papers properly.

Automate Your Grading

Whether it’s grading papers or tracking student progress, there is always something to be evaluated in the classroom. But what if there was a way to automate at least some of this grading?

Several different apps and programs can grade essays, multiple-choice tests, and other types of assignments. This not only takes the load off of you but also ensures that grades are recorded quickly and accurately.

The less you feel overwhelmed, the more you can focus on your actual teaching. Besides, you’ll have some free time to unwind and relax while your grade book does all the hard work for you.

Tech Hacks for Students

There are many ways that technology can help students get their work done more quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

Use Google Scholar for Research

One of the most frustrating things about research is finding good sources. With Google Scholar, all of that work is taken care of for you. Just enter the title or author of your article, and Google Scholar will provide you with a list of relevant sources and links to them.

This one hack can save students hours upon hours when completing research assignments. Plus, citation information is provided for you, so there’s no need to worry about meeting the requirements set forth by your teacher.

Don’t forget to complement your efforts with professional essay help online services. By the way, you can rely on an essay writing services review by NoCramming before choosing one. Apart from improving paper writing skills and your grades, such services will save you a lot of time.

Use Chrome Extensions to Boost Productivity and Organization

Chrome extensions are the perfect means to boost productivity and organization. One example is the Grammarly extension, which helps improve grammar and spelling.

Flashcards, note-taking apps, and other extensions allow students to easily track their coursework. The Memorizer Tool can help a great deal with memorizing vocabulary and important dates.

With a bit of research, students can find all sorts of useful Chrome extensions. They are easy to use and require only a few minutes to set up.

Convert Your Article Into Podcasts

Auditory learning is an effective method for many students. And it’s easy to implement with a variety of text-to-speech apps that convert articles and other written materials into podcasts.

You can copy the link to your article, paste it into the app, and listen as you drive or jog through your neighborhood park. There are also transcriptions of the podcasts available, so students can follow along with the text as they listen.

This is a great way to review material or catch up on readings that one may have missed. It’s also a good way to get in some extra listening practice if you’re preparing for a test.

Wrapping Up

So, there you have it. These are just a few clever tech hacks that can help students and teachers be more productive in the classroom. Take your time to explore the different hacks out there and find the ones that work best for you. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to take your teaching (or learning) to the next level.

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2 thoughts on “Clever Tech Hacks Every Teacher and Student Needs to Know

  • Gonna show my teen student, thank you.

  • This is a very informative, interesting and helpful article.

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