
Could you contemplate never having to diet again? #COREundiet

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I cannot believe I am publicly sharing this photo, but it is a harsh reality for me and a wake up call.  I am heavy, there is no denying it.  When a friend took this photo this summer, I was mortified she shared it on Facebook, but it is me, I have to accept it.


Shortly after the Christmas comes new year and with that some great resolutions!  The reality is January – Diet. May – Overweight. Again.  Our bodies change what we would otherwise do. The shape of our body changes our behaviors. Our behaviors change what happens in our lives. These things…bodies…outcomes…you see they really are connected.

No one wants to be overweight. No one wants to be obese. These are not choices we make. They are outcomes.

So, when we look at these undesired outcomes — gaining too many pounds — we need to be aware that it is about our food and exercise choices. Yet even then, we know we do most of the right things, but still gain weight, or can’t shed those pounds, right?

It can all feel so confusing and frustrating. It can make us feel desperate at times. But the choices we make to lose weight, especially around the New Year Resolution time, can actually lead to the wrong results.

Dieting in January leads to having more weight by May…that is the outcome almost everyone experiences. Have you noticed that? What we fail to do is linkup our January choices with our May outcomes. Nevertheless, that is the reality of it.

The take home lesson – don’t diet.  Maybe the next time you want to try to lose weight, shouldn’t you try an UnDiet?  Maybe you ought to look into the #CoreUnDiet.

CORE has been developed on the belief that people shouldn’t have to diet to lose weight.

Core the undiet

I am taking the steps to start the #COREunDiet program in my own life.  Will you join me?


Disclosure:  As a brand ambassador for CORE, reviewer may receive products and/or monetary compensation in the form of product, travel and expenses. Regardless, all opinions and personal facts are my own.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

One thought on “Could you contemplate never having to diet again? #COREundiet

  • This sounds good i’d like to join. I am having weight issues myself.

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