
Countdown to Christmas with Santa Clothes Doll #MegaChristmas24

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Are you ready to countdown the days until Christmas? Let me tell you about a fun, new way you and your kids can do just that with a adorable Santa Clothes Doll.

“How many more days until Christmas?” If you are a parent, you’ve likely answered this question countless times. Now Santa himself is here to help kids count down the days until Dec 25. Santa Clothes Doll is an adorable countdown-to-Christmas stuffed, plush, half-dressed Santa Claus doll that comes with accompanying clothes, accessories and even the cutest little clothesline. The clothesline is where Santa‘s things will hang during the 12 days leading up to Christmas. Each day, little ones will clamor to Santa‘s clothesline to select a different piece of clothing or accessory to put on the jolly old soul who is getting ready for the big day.

Santa Clothes Doll encourages hands-on interaction (unlike Elf on the Shelf, which kids are told not to touch.) Children get to dress the doll and easily track the days until Santa’s arrival based on the number of items still hanging on the clothesline. When Santa is fully dressed, it means he’ll be visiting the next day! Making sure that every child feels included and represented is so important to Santa and that means Santa Clothes Doll has a multicultural doll too. The playful name, Santa “Clothes” Doll, is a clever pun. Instead of Santa “Claus” its Santa “Clothes.”

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2 thoughts on “Countdown to Christmas with Santa Clothes Doll #MegaChristmas24

  • I love this!

  • This is so cute. I can’t believe that it’s coming so soon!

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