
Diamond Candle Giveaway (Ends 11/22/13)

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.
What do you want for Christmas this year?  I want a new Keurig deluxe 🙂

Clair’s Freebies is in the middle of their Holiday Gift Guide and we’re helping to give away her favorite Christmas Gift! One lucky winner is going to receive a Diamond Candle of their choice!
Just enter to win using the Rafflecopter below. Giveaway begins now and ends on November 22nd at Midnight Eastern time. Winner must have a US mailing address and will be notified by email. They will have 24 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.
Good Luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**It’s Free At last received no compensation for this post and is not responsible for the shipping of this prize. Giveaway is in no way affiliated with Facebook.**
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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

24 thoughts on “Diamond Candle Giveaway (Ends 11/22/13)

  • I wanna get some new boots.

  • I am just happy to spend the day with my family.

  • What I am hoping is not materialistic so all I can say is that I wish our (hubby and I) three wishes come true this holiday

  • I am just hoping for a White Christmas. My family is already coming to visit us and they want a white christmas!

  • New pots and pans!!

  • I would love a new computer, but being able to get my family something is more important than what I want.

  • I would love to win my hubby a PS4

  • I’m so thankful and blessed that I really don’t feel like I need anything. I’d like people to help the homeless in their city. There’s so many people in need. Now that the weather is so cold and rainy it’s really hard on the homeless, and unfortunately there’s not enough shelters, so if you have any old blankets or jackets you don’t use, go donate them. Thank you 🙂

  • I hope to get a new printer.

  • A PS4

  • I want the Handbag of Holding from’s Website!!

  • An ipad air

  • I hope to get a strainer to make canning tomatoes easier.

  • I know its boring but I hope I get new pillows and a comforter.

  • I wish for three things a new tablet/laptop. A new digital camera and an engagement ring

  • I would just like to get a candle.

  • A massage

  • I hope I’m able to get home to my family <3

  • My family would love a PS4.

  • I would love a Kindle Fire.

  • I hope for happiness.

  • I think they’re hideously ugly, but I really hope to get a pair of Uggs. I need a pair of boots that will keep my toes warm at work!

  • I’m hoping to get a lap top for Christmas

  • I really don’t anticipate getting anything as I am pretty much alone and the “last soldier standing”. I can’t go to my daughter’s house due to the fact her husband and I do not get along. So, I will spend the day alone, just as I have done for the last 20 years… Thanksgiving and Christmas by myself. Not complaining, just stating.

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