
Disability Resources for an Equipped Home

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More than ever, lots of resources exist that empower those with a disability to live independently. In the past, many of these individuals would have to live out their adult lives with families, or in institutions. It’s amazing to live in an age when technology has been developed to a point that is truly helping give dignity and transform the futures of many people who manage disabilities on a daily basis. Here are a few must-have resources for a well-equipped home.


Portable Wheelchair Ramps

Outfit your home with portable wheelchair ramps on every staircase. Be sure to get a few portable ones as well, so they can be taken to others’ homes if you are staying for the holidays or an extended period of time. Portable ramps can also be easily removed, in case you move elsewhere. Pride Mobility has some great, high-quality options. Use them both indoors and outdoors for access to all the places in your home that you can enjoy and embrace.


Power Recliner Chairs

Who doesn’t love a night in every once in a while with a good movie, some great food, and good company? Cozy down into a recliner chair that is easy to get into and out of. Power recliner chairs lift and angle in such a way that helps you get in and out of them with little effort. Just grab the remote and push a button – comfort is literally at your fingertips.


Electric Motor Scooter

Part of enjoying your space includes being able to shop and collect the resources you need to make your home well stocked and comfortable. This includes trips to the grocery store, home decorating stores, and to general stores to get cleaning supplies. If you’re unable to be on your feet for long periods of time, consider investing in an electric motor scooter to help increase your ability to purchase the items you need. It may also help you enjoy your yard and neighborhood, and allow for increased social activities with your circle of friends. Don’t let a disability stop you from having the home you’ve always wanted.

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