
Enjoy Delicious North American Recipes with Ticket To Ride: The Official Cookbook

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Set out on a culinary journey through North America with Ticket to Ride: The Official Cookbook. Based on Alan R. Moon’s iconic board game, Ticket to Ride: The Official Cookbook offers dining car menus inspired by your favorite destinations throughout the United States and Canada.

Those who love Ticket to Ride know that each game is new and exciting, an opportunity to not just connect cities and routes, but to connect with friends and family. So, while you’re out exploring the map, cutting off your fellow continent-trotters’ routes, collecting tickets, and racing to travel through as many cities as possible, take that full-steam-ahead wanderlust to another level via these can’t-lose snacks, desserts, meals, and drinks.

The 75+ recipes are organized by the Destination Tickets you know and love from the core Ticket to Ride game, featuring unique dining-car menus inspired by the cities through which you travel. Each of the 15 routes includes an appetizer, a side dish, a main course, a dessert, and a cocktail (with or without alcohol)—all with deliciously strong ties to destination cities. Inside you’ll find easy-to-follow recipes and full-color photos for local favorites, regional desserts, and cocktails, including:

  • New England Clam Chowder (Boston, Massachusetts)
  • Hot Chicken (Nashville, Tennessee)
  • Poutine (Montreal, Canada)
  • Possum Pie (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  • Half-Smoke Sausage Bites (Washington, DC)
  • Cheesecake (New York, New York)
  • Mai Tai (San Francisco, California)
  • And much more!

Bring together your friends, family, and fellow passengers to snack on treats, collect destination tickets, build routes, and reimagine game night as a tasty adventure.

Available by Ulysses Press, you can find this and other delightful books online and on their Amazon Store.

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