HealthHoliday Gift GuideReviews

Fight Seasonal Allergies with Allergy Defender Allergen Spray #MegaChristmas24

This post may contain affiliate links or I may have received the product free in exchange for my honest review. See full disclosure for more information.

Everyone I know has some kind of seasonal allergies, and let’s face it they can make you feel miserable. With the holidays coming up all of us are busy and don’t have the time to be down with not feeling good because of allergies. Allergy Defender is my answer to feeling better and combating these allergies.

From Savanna, the CEO & the reason behind the brand: ‘I was five when I almost died from an allergy-induced asthma attack brought on by two hypoallergenic poodles and the family Christmas tree. My father and a team of dedicated chemists formulated a product that neutralized allergens that once held me captive. It changed my entire life, and now my family and I are on a mission to make a difference for others.”

How is Allergy Defender different?

  • Air & Surface Protection – Unlike traditional allergy products, we treat your home, not just your symptoms. We create an invisible protective barrier that prevents allergens from escaping.
  • Economical & Easy-to-Use – We are user-friendly and provide indoor allergy relief for only pennies a day. The convenient spray bottle makes it simple to incorporate into your daily routine. Just add water!
  • Mineral Concentrate – The Allergen Spray is easy to use and comes prefilled with the mineral concentrate upon arrival.bFirst, you fill your Allergen Spray bottle to the top with tap water. Recap. Shake until minerals dissolve, then attach the sprayer.

Allergy Defender is:

  • Natural & Non-Toxic
  • 100% mineral-based & food-grade formula
  • Holistic alternative to managing indoor allergies

Allergy Defender is available for purchase on their Website

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We have added Allergy Defender to our 2024 Holiday Gift Guide

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.

5 thoughts on “Fight Seasonal Allergies with Allergy Defender Allergen Spray #MegaChristmas24

  • I’m going to get this. Thanks for sharing.

  • I’ll have to try this. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • As someone who really suffers with allergies, this would be really really helpful for me! Thank you for sharing!

  • I’ll have to give these a try. Thanks for sharing.

  • Thank you for sharing

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