
Find Your Perfect Match With This Pet Personality Quiz

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When seeking a life partner, many of us will take compatibility quizzes, or consider personality compatibility. Yet, when it comes to our pets, we often take a more haphazard approach.

Sometimes, this happy-go-lucky outlook works out and lands you the pet you didn’t know you needed. Often, though, pets and owners alike end up in an unhappy situation, and ultimately having to part, because too little care was taken upfront.

That can be heartbreaking for everyone, but you don’t have to open yourself up to that risk. Just as personality matches make better life partners, you’re more likely to find your dream pet in mind of specific lifestyle matches like the following.

The Active Explorer

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You’re an individual who loves to get out every day and explore the wilderness on long, rambling walks. Here, you find your calm place, your happy equilibrium. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to keep you company on even the longest walks?

You know where we’re going with this. As much as a walk can help you relax, it could also be the ideal thing to calm a hyped-up pooch who could then return home with you for muddy blanket snuggles. No matter how remote your walks, you will never again feel alone. Yet, still, you would benefit from that blissful silence of not needing to say a word en route.

The Wealthy Go-Getter

You’re a determined, hard-working individual with plenty of hard-earned money in the bank to spend on the people and things you care about the most. You aren’t afraid of an early start, and you certainly wouldn’t think twice about putting in hours after dark.

A horse could be the ideal pet for you for various reasons. For one thing, horses aren’t for the faint of pocket, so your financial security is a must for affording gear including decent tack, Western saddle pads, and rugs. Equally, your ability to work unsociable hours is key, with horse owners generally needing to rise with the sun and poop pick well into the evening.

The Busy Professional

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You’re a busy professional who spends the majority of your day in the office, or else on vital work trips. Your career means a lot to you, and it’s something you want to continue dedicating your time towards without distraction.

You might assume, from this description, that pets would be off your cards. But, you would be wrong. Cats are the perfect independent pet for professionals and will come and go almost as often as you do. That’s not to say they won’t miss you and welcome you home (if they feel like it), but it also means they won’t sit by the door and await your return. Equally, you won’t need to worry on those work trips, with cats quite happy to settle for an automatic feeder that’ll cover the fort until the two of you are reunited once more!

Fed up with poor pet matches? Find your one true furry friend at last by simply taking your lifestyle into account!

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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