
Five Easy Ways to Protect Your Skin from Sun Damage

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The sun offers so much for our health, but it can also harm us. On the one hand, the sun helps us regulate our circadian rhythm. It also gives us vitamin D, helps kill surface bacteria on our skin, and the infrared light can even help with issues like inflammation.

Of course, UVA and UVB rays work to damage the skin. This can lead to premature aging or even skin cancer. To help you continue to look great throughout your years and minimize your risk of developing a deadly cancer, all you need is to protect your skin.

The good news is that there are multiple ways that you can do this, so start using these five methods today.

1.   Invest in Sunscreen

Sunscreen is the #1 way to protect your skin, but not all sunscreen is made the same. A good way to get started is to buy reef-friendly skincare, even if you aren’t going to the beach. Doing so minimizes the amount of harmful chemicals that can get washed off and put into our water system.

You’ll always want to get a different sunscreen that’s gentler for your face and eyes. Our facial skin is very sensitive compared to the rest of our skin, so choosing something that’s less greasy and feels lighter can make it easier and more enjoyable to put on your sunscreen once every two hours during daylight.

2.   Choose SPF-Wear

Thin clothes don’t protect against all radiation. To help you minimize how much sunscreen you use, you’ll want to invest in SPF clothing. SPF swimwear for women, for example, means you can avoid putting on sunscreen under your swimsuit. For best results, choose the option with the most coverage (like your back and midsection) so it’s easy to apply sunscreen from there by yourself.

3.   Cover Up

Thin, flowing cover-ups may not protect you against the sun 100%, but they can help you stay cool, cut down on the amount of UVA/UVB rays that hit you, and also just look fantastic. If you want to give yourself more leeway in case you forget to reapply that sunscreen as often as you should, covering up with a shawl, a wrap, or even a thin linen kimono-style cover can do wonders.

4.   Hats, Hats, Hats

Hats, particularly wide-brim hats, are your best friend. They work to cast a shadow over your eyes, they keep the sun off your neck, and they can protect other often-forgotten about parts of your body, like the tips of your ears.

Hats are also quintessential summer fashion, so you can look good while keeping your skin protected.

5.   Stick to the Shade

Just being in the shade on a sunny day can help cut down the amount of UVA/UVB light you’re exposed to by 75%. It’s also how you can stay cooler, protect your eyesight, and prevent burns during summer. This doesn’t mean you should avoid the sun like the plague, but just to seek out shade if you’re going to be under direct sunlight.


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