
Get Restful Sleep with Naked Nutrition Sleep Aid Supplement

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Don’t let the holiday season get you stressed out and lose sleep over all the on-goings of things. Get complete rest and enjoy the holidays with Naked Nutrition Sleep Aid Supplements.

About Naked Nutrition

In 2014 former cross country and track All-American Stephen Zieminski noticed many supplements included numerous ingredients of little nutritional value. People trying to live a healthy lifestyle aided by supplements were being marketed health, but sold something else.

That same year Zieminski founded Naked Nutrition, starting with five single ingredient supplements, including the best-selling Naked Whey from grass-fed Northern California and Idaho cows and Naked Pea from raw yellow peas grown in the USA and Canada. No artificial flavors, colors or sweeteners and no mixing agents. You control the flavor and your nutrition by what you choose to add to Naked proteins and supplements.

Sleep Aid Supplement

Naked Sleep is a natural, scientist-crafted sleep aid designed to help usher in restful nights of quality sleep. GABA, L-Theanine, Melatonin, and time-tested herbs work synergistically to promote deep, uninterrupted sleep for optimal recovery, hormonal balance, and immune function. No artificial additives.

Benefits Include:

Optimal Sleep-Wake Rhythm

Melatonin is a natural chemical produced by the body to regular your internal sleep-wake cycle. Increased melatonin levels signal to your body that it’s time to shut off and get some rest. But for many of us, modern lifestyle factors like too much screen-time disrupts melatonin production. Naked Sleep provides natural melatonin support to optimize your sleep-wake rhythm for deep rest when you’re asleep, and maximum alertness and energy when you’re awake.

Herbal Relaxation Blend

Naked Sleep combines lemon balm extract, passionflower extract, and lavender flower extract for a powerful relaxation blend to balance daily mood and stress, and make it easier for you to fall asleep. These time-tested herbs have been used for ages across the world to promote healthy sleep and reduce sleep disturbance issues.

Calm the Chatter

L-theanine and GABA in Naked Sleep are neurotransmitters that decrease neuronal activity to reduce mental chatter after a busy, stressful day. They help you reach a state of mental calmness that makes it easy for you to drift into a night of deep, restful sleep. Research has linked optimal GABA levels with sleep disturbances like tossing and turning, or waking up in the middle of the night.

Best Ingredients, Right Dosage

Our nutrition scientists have combined only the highest quality ingredients in the correct amounts and ratios to achieve maximize effectiveness, so you can enjoy the best night of sleep you’ve had in a long time. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Are you ready to take your sleep to a new and restful level? Connect with Naked Nutrition socially to see what other amazing products are available.

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Master reviewer of all types of products. Love XL Fountain Sodas!! Cheer Mom extraordinaire. Socialite to all things small town and founder of Come socialize and connect with me.


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