GirlsCan! Crate + LEGO Dots Giveaway
Guess what? GIRLS CAN! CRATE is partnering with LEGO® this month and including their LEGO® DOTS in the December subscriptions! I have partnered with them to offer one of you a GIRLS CAN! CRATE and LEGO® DOTS box.
What is GIRLS CAN! CRATE? These are subscription boxes are for ages 5-10 and introduces them to diverse women who have made history. Each crate comes with the GIRLS CAN! activity book, hands-on STEAM activities, and inspiration galore! The mailer option or digital option comes with less but based off of the same months crate subject.
If you want to order for Christmas, you’ll need to order on or before the 15th of December.
To purchase, please visit Enter below to win this month’s GIRLS CAN! Crate + LEGO Dots. Hosted by Parenting Healthy. Ends 12/23 9pm PST. I US winner ages 18+. Good luck! Entry-Form
Yes can crate, bike become President and all things important to a full life.
My grandchildren would love this.