Great Skin Starts with Products from Era Organics #EraOrganics
Do you know that the largest organ in your body is your skin? It is the most exposed, most vulnerable organ you have and taking care of every facet of your skin is important, including facial care. The best way to do that is include Era Organics in your daily regimen.
More about Era Organics:
We are a family owned and operated company based in sunny California. While we gather the best ingredients from around the world, including New Zealand and Hawaii, our products are made and bottled in the US.
After running into different allergies, skin conditions, lack of energy, etc. we decided to make a change. Together, we wanted to improve our health in a major way. This included eating better, exercising more and eliminating toxins.
After such a dramatic difference in our health and happiness, friends started to notice. Simple tips turned into more and more questions asked, which is why we decided to help bring up awareness on a major scale.
We have done the research and experienced the benefits. We have worked with doctors, nutritionists, scientists and other health specialists to provide unbiased information- all backed by science. That research is what lead to our own products, with more on the way. Our goal is to provide the very best ingredients to give optimal results.
I have long reaped the benefits of using Tea tree oil products. I love using shampoo and conditioner with Tea Tree oil as it keeps my hair soft and smooth and well-nourished. When I learned that Era carried organic, natural skincare products with Tea Tree oil, I knew this was the perfect time to introduce it to my daughter, who suffers from acne and oily-prone skin.The Tea Tree Oil Face Cleanser and Body Wash is great for those that suffer frm oily skin, like Hannah, as well as someone fighting rsacea or chronic dryness. The pH balance in this wash is helping her fight the acne and oily skin not only on her face, but also her shoulders and back.
It is sulfate free and made with natural ingredients. It has no chemicals, toxins, parabens, dyes or perfumes, thus giving her a better, natural clean.
After washing up with her face and body wash, she finishes her regimen with Era Organics Tea Tree Face Cream. It helps to open up her pores and release all of that dirt and oil that is trapped inside. It also helps reduce her pores to avoid dirt and oils from re-entering and causing more blemishes.
With natural ingredients like St John’s Word and Dandelion Root, knowing that she is putting natural ingredients into her skin is comforting to me as her mother. Hannah has tried every type of acne treatment and medication there is and they just don’t work. The gamble you take with some of those chemicals is not worth sacrificing the health of her skin.
Now that we have found something that works, AND it contains natural ingredients, ERA Organics is our first and only choice of skincare for both of us. Be sure to check out ERA Organics for all of their products including skin moisturizer, Rosacea relief cream and even diaper rash cream for baby.
Be sure to stay connected with Era Organics for the latest product information and savings.