
Have You Made These Medical Appointments Recently?

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Health isn’t something that should be left until you’ve got a moment to spare for it. It’s something that should be taken seriously, and given top billing on your yearly to-do list! That’s why it’s so crucial to make appointments like these on a regular basis.

After all, health can be hard to look after without a little help! And even when you maintain healthy habits and you’ve designed a home that looks after you, you’re going to need a medical professional on your side at some point. So make sure you make and attend appointments for the three things below on a regular basis, even if that means going every 10 years or so!

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Visiting the dentist is a crucial part of your healthcare plan. However, we all know just how unpleasant a dentist’s office trip can be. Having instruments shoved in your mouth, the doctor pressing on teeth with sharp tools, maybe even needing to get some work done and seeing a needle sitting on the tray – it’s a lot to cope with!

However, the more you see the dentist, the better your oral health is going to be. From getting your teeth cleaned by the hygienist who shares the office to checking your root health through a few x-rays, try to keep up with your routine dental checks.


Have you ever had your hearing tested? Maybe the only time you’ve ever seen an audiologist before is when you were a child, which is when most people get their hearing tested for the first time. However, you probably didn’t even know that’s what the doctor who did the test was called!

Your first hearing clinic visit as an adult, however, is going to be relatively simple. All you need to do is find an audiology center near you, book an appointment, and then you’re done for the next ten years. No really, if you’re under the age of 60, you only need to get your ears checked once a decade! The only reason to go more often is if you notice something amiss before this deadline.


These usually form part of your general yearly check up, but if you’ve never seen hide nor hair of a vaccine since you were a kid, be sure to ask your doctor about your current vaccine status. You need to know if you’re due for one or if you’re entitled to one for free or at a low cost.

And if you’re headed abroad soon, you’ll definitely need to check whether you need to get a few jabs before you go! Even if it gets a bit pricey, it’s worth it for peace of mind over your health, no matter where you are or how long it’ll take to see a doctor while you’re there.

Making medical appointments should be a normal part of life. Factor them into your own day to day routine, book them when you need to, and always try to attend.

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