
How Laser Caps Can Help Your Hair

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Are you suffering from hair loss or noticing your hair start to thin out? Maybe you are just starting to notice in the mirror, or maybe you have been suffering from thinning hair for a while now. Whatever the case may be, it is important to take action now!

It is important to catch your hair loss in the earliest stages, so as soon as you notice a difference, start seeking treatment options available. One of the best and newest treatment options available on the market today are laser caps. In this article, I am going to discuss this treatment method and how laser caps can help your hair. Read below to learn more!Why Hair Loss?

Before we dive deep into laser cap treatment, let’s discuss why hair loss can occur. Each individual is different, therefore making the probable cause of hair loss different for everyone. What is causing your hair loss could be completely different compared to what is causing your neighbors.

Your hair grows in 3 stages. The growing (anagen) stage, transitioning (catagen) stage, and the shedding (telogen) stage. When your hair is spending less time in the anagen stage and more time in the telogen stage, you are going to experience hair thinning and hair loss on the scalp. Therefore, you want to prolong the anagen stage of the hair growth cycle.

Hair loss can occur for many different reasons. However, some of the most common causes of hair loss can include poor diet, medication complications, medical concerns, hormones, genetics, and more. With this many possible underlying causes, it can be difficult to pinpoint the actual cause of your hair loss. This is why it is so important to catch it in the early stages.

Now that you are familiar with the background of hair loss, let’s discuss laser caps and how they can help the overall health of your hair!

What is a Laser Cap?

Laser caps are an FDA-cleared medical device designed for men and women looking to improve the health of their hair. Laser caps are equipped with low level light therapy (LLLT) treatment that is used to stimulate the hair follicles. These devices are an all-natural hair growth treatment method that can be used by individuals ages 18 and older.

How Does a Laser Cap Work?

As previously mentioned, laser caps use low level light therapy to stimulate the blood flow in the scalp tissue of the head. LLLT is a cold laser therapy method, meaning that the light does not actually produce physical heat throughout the treatment.

This light therapy is emitted through lasers that are strategically and carefully placed inside the cap. When the low level light therapy stimulate the blood flow in the scalp, this allows the necessary oxygen and nutrients to reach the hair follicles. It also reduces other inflammation in the scalp tissue, allowing the hair follicles to absorb the energy. This in turn encourages new cell growth, allowing the hair follicles to prosper and grow. This therapy can also strengthen and thicken the existing hair follicles on the scalp, therefore making it a desirable treatment for hair loss individuals as well as men and women looking to improve the overall health of their hair.

Laser cap devices are completely hands-free and portable. This allows you to complete your hair growth treatment therapy in the comfort of your own home, or in a location at a time that works for you and your schedule.

How Do I Use a Laser Cap?

Depending on the cap you purchase, most laser caps are to be used every other day for a specific amount of time. Most companies develop a cap that has a built-in timer, so you are not responsible for keeping track of the time throughout your treatment. This allows you to be able to complete other tasks while doing your hair growth therapy. If you wanted to, you could even take a quick nap!

These devices are FDA-cleared and clinically proven to be safe and effective for the use of humans. This allows individuals to feel comfortable when purchasing and using the caps.

When Can I Expect to See Results?

This depends entirely on the individual and how their body and scalp responds to the low level light therapy treatment. You might see results quicker or slower than your neighbor, and vise versa. However, many individuals report noticeable hair growth results after using the caps religiously for 4-8 months.


Laser caps are an extremely fascinating and effective hair growth treatment option available for men and women looking to grow, strengthen, and thicken your hair. Medical professionals and scientists and turning towards this natural treatment and encouraging patients to give it a try before resorting to invasive or chemical treatment therapies.

Laser caps can work to help with your hair needs. Get ahead of your hair loss in the beginning stages and give laser caps a try for yourself!


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